stormtrack discord
400 messages
Freshgeek 08-Mar-19 11:31 AM
Ayyyy, Wake up southern plains
CptProtato 08-Mar-19 11:32 AM
Freshgeek 08-Mar-19 11:32 AM
seanbarg 08-Mar-19 11:32 AM
B. Dean Berry 08-Mar-19 11:32 AM
Angelo 08-Mar-19 11:43 AM
Ruh roh Raggy
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 08-Mar-19 11:43 AM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 08-Mar-19 12:24 PM
Wednesday's got my attention further E
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 01:12 PM
Don’t burn a PTO day for Tuesday. I beg you.
Freshgeek 08-Mar-19 01:13 PM
burn 2 PTO for tuesday -Bigly
wxandnews 08-Mar-19 01:17 PM
monsoonman1 08-Mar-19 01:18 PM
Don’t do it man
wxandnews 08-Mar-19 01:18 PM
I’m not lol
Troy4321 08-Mar-19 01:19 PM
I’ll be out no matter what hoping to snag something good north of del rio
texas 4
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 01:36 PM
Massive upscale growth inbound
derecho 7
312will 08-Mar-19 01:38 PM
If it soaks the areas in the Panhandles that are under slight drought, that's good for us all.
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 01:46 PM
yt-ScienceOutThere 08-Mar-19 03:13 PM
Make EML average again.
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 03:21 PM
EML isn’t the problem per se
A stronger EML would help but with the forcing anticipated that would just enhance instability and wind potential
Forcing + upslope = quick upscale
yt-ScienceOutThere 08-Mar-19 03:51 PM
Seems like that's more ideal early in the season though or with Dixie.
seanbarg 08-Mar-19 04:58 PM
Euro has been pretty damn consistent with this strong line coming through - hasnt really switched the timing in a few runs either
derecho 5
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 05:17 PM
Just look at the amplitude of the trough and the ejection/position
Mega force
Of the 100+ sig severe cases we looked at a few year ago at SPC during my time doing research there our composites for upscale growth events feature a deep trough, really, placed where this one is progged to go with development farther west in the high plains.
This fits very well with our cases in which sig severe occurred in our domain (mostly along and east of I-35)
And was already grown upscale
seanbarg 08-Mar-19 05:19 PM
yea looks pretty textbook
I fully expect it to wake me up in the middle of the night
or not be able to sleep knowing its coming
BJC9533 08-Mar-19 05:20 PM
If ya take PTO off hoping for supercells just don’t. Save that for a sweet day in May
Will 08-Mar-19 10:33 PM
🔥 5
seanbarg 09-Mar-19 11:49 AM
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 11:52 AM
Yeah things will kick off out west
312will 09-Mar-19 11:54 AM
If there's any chance of pre squall discrete, I'll be up for a drive. Mostly as an excuse to get a road trip in on my birthday, tbh. 🎂
This could be a nice little sideshow for @Troy4321 down in Big Bend.
Troy4321 09-Mar-19 11:58 AM
Yeah I’m excited for sure seems like it’s trending a little slower so there should be a good light show at night
updoot 1
312will 09-Mar-19 11:59 AM
Post up on the west side looking east, get lightning on backside of Chisos Mountains
Troy4321 09-Mar-19 01:12 PM
312will 09-Mar-19 02:50 PM
Near Junction, Texas around midnight.
Will 09-Mar-19 03:40 PM
very aggressive
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 03:43 PM
The timing on these early season troughs always seems to be too late or early lol
Trough swings through like 12z Weds, inducing a damn sub 980 low yikesly
Although I don't like these super bombing lows in the Plains. Always kicks the surface front or dry line way the fuck east and separates instability from shear. Nonetheless could be an active day Tuesday, just not sure it's worth chasing (although, that is always in the eyes of the beholder). Better days wait.
👍 3
yt-ScienceOutThere 09-Mar-19 04:25 PM
Don't worry, in a few months we will be complaining that all 10 consecutive short waves were late or early, and May ONLY had 400 tornadoes because of it.
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 04:25 PM
Fine with me
Margin for error in May is pretty big
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 07:15 PM
Didn’t realize NAM was in range
Looks kinda bigly but probably also gonna be nasty forcing
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 09-Mar-19 07:22 PM
This day would be the day to go nuts considering the lack of hype for it lol
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 07:24 PM
Idk man my research composites match this well and it screams MCS
Some amazing profiles on the NAM tho
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 09-Mar-19 07:24 PM
Oh I don’t disagree given the forcing
BJC9533 09-Mar-19 07:24 PM
Classic high plains tornado stuff
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 09-Mar-19 07:25 PM
But I’m also wondering if this amplified flow might work out there
Since it has before
Syryquil 09-Mar-19 07:34 PM
How can you tell the amount of forcing? I've always been unclear on that
bo_sox48 09-Mar-19 07:37 PM
That was today's conversation in #st-academy-advanced
I'll copy and paste Brandon's answer because he said it better than I would
Frontogenesis plots, omega at various levels, vertical velocities if you want explicit values What is more helpful is 1) gauging degree of height falls. Heights falling -> thermo profile below that height is cooling. So if heights fall X amount over 6 hours at 500 mb, that means the thermo profile below 500 mb is cooling as a whole. In most cases, this is from increasing CVA with height. Which means that air is rising, and as air rises, it cools. The stronger the height falls, the stronger the ascent. 2) Vorticity advection should be considered as well. Pull a 500 mb vorticity chart for this weekend. Huge vorticity max swinging thru the plains = big ascent. When vorticity is adverted on a pressure level, air rises (if positive). Sinks if negative. Sorry I got that wrong. Heights fall due to vorticity advection on a single level. Heights fall due to differential thermal advection (increasing warm air advection with height = falling heights) 3) always have to consider other sources of lift. Surface convergence, dryline circulation, jet dynamics, etc all play a factor with varying levels of lift associated with it
Syryquil 09-Mar-19 07:41 PM
Gotta save this
Lemme move to #st-academy-advanced
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 11:32 AM
Sorry just putting my thoughts about Tuesdays setup derecho
derecho 13
texas 9
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 11:53 AM
Pika 2
Siren 5
derecho 4
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 12:04 PM
I’m hoping my hotel near big bend has a over hang just in case of hail because there would be some base balls with most intense convection.
Hank 4
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 01:34 PM
hypetrain 3
Trying to increase hype
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 01:36 PM
are you thinking about chasing some of it?
timing seems really off for a good chase
453Braxton 10-Mar-19 01:39 PM
"Isolated supercells" BACKUP
312will 10-Mar-19 02:16 PM
I may do it knowing it's going to be a poor chase. I want to try out a couple of mounts and lenses, plus get my Sony stuff dialed in (I'm switching from Canon).
Not interested in the QLCS component, just the 'isolated supercell' portion.
Hexzie 10-Mar-19 02:50 PM
@312will welcome to the Sony gang!
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 02:58 PM
I'm thinking about going, even if it's a sqaull chase at least it will not be in the jungle. Can enjoy some good lightning
updoot 3
👌 1
312will 10-Mar-19 03:02 PM
@hexzie Can't wait to try out the A9 and Laowa 15mm combo
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 04:56 PM
NAM bringing the goods at 00z for you Troy
texas 4
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 05:05 PM
I know I’m actually pretty excited the LCLs should be pretty high which is my favorite for lightning and structure shots
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:09 PM
are you going to arrive early enough to get all set up?
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 05:19 PM
Yeah I’m leaving my place at 7am I’ll be there by 3ish
Angelo 10-Mar-19 05:22 PM
Jesus Texas is so big. I forget that sometimes.
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 05:23 PM
Yeah and it’s not like I’m on the opposite side or anything either I’m sure you can be 13+ hours away from places in Texas
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:23 PM
yeah that state is humongous
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:25 PM
Nine hour drive from my apt
to Tuesday's target area
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 05:25 PM
The halfway point from Beaumont, Tx to Los Angeles is still in Texas
😂 5
453Braxton 10-Mar-19 05:25 PM
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:25 PM
the drive to Big Bend is also uber boring after you hit i10
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:26 PM
no drive is boring when it's for tornadoes!
👌 1
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 05:26 PM
strong disagree
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:26 PM
Drive from Norman to South Dakota in 2017 was lit
12+ hours
was fun... Tiring, but fun
Then turned around and saw 5-7 tornadoes on 6/12/7
312will 10-Mar-19 05:27 PM
7.5 hours from here in Austin to Big Bend. 8. 5 to El Paso. Eight to Dalhart north of Amarillo. Six to South Padre. Six to Louisiana. Six to Arkansas.
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:29 PM
Shreveport to Norman shouldn't be a 6 hour drive at all
And yet it is
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:29 PM
Big Bend is so huge it takes nearly an hour to drive across it
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:30 PM
Cedar Rapids to KC is 4.5 hours
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:30 PM
and upon entering the park you have to drive like 30 minutes to see anything
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:30 PM
it seems super far away but it really isnt
I'll have to be keeping that in mind
And I can get to Nebraska in 3 hours
well 3.5
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:31 PM
What if I told you......
That 3/3/19 wouldn't even crack the top 5 of 2019 tornado events? :oof:
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 05:32 PM
That’s 14 hours
Looks way smaller
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:32 PM
and I can get to central nebraska in 5 hours. Wooooooow, I way overestimated the trip to the plains
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 05:32 PM
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:33 PM
Hell northeast KS is 5 hours too 👀
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:34 PM
whatchu jabbering about this Texas talk section Hank
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:34 PM
no this is how close I found out the plains are section
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:35 PM
yeah I'm like 5.5 hours from KC
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 05:35 PM
I’m only 5 hours from OKC that’s pretty surprising actually
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:35 PM
OKC is 10 hours from here
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:36 PM
same for me
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:37 PM
That's still out of range. but NE KS and E NE are in range
I'm willing to drive 6 hours for a setup. Once you get to 7-8, you're really pushing it
for now at least
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:37 PM
10 hours is in range for you
You’re in collehe
312will 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
I'll fly for the right setup, but that's probably in May or June.
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
Nothing stopping you
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
But also poor and I do not have the stamina to drive 10 hours on my own
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
10 hours is nothing
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
6? Probably, 10? No.
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
I really don't understand the "don't have the stamina" to drive stuff lol
312will 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
16 hours is my range.
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:38 PM
I've heard that from people.. it ain't a 5k or something. You sit in a seat lol
Yes, it's tiring as shit and rough
After my journey on 6/12/17 I was sick of driving
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:39 PM
I think 12 hours is my hard limit
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:39 PM
My hard limit depends on the setup
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:39 PM
I’ve gone 16 hours before I legitimately felt unsafe continuing
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:39 PM
My hard limit this season is likely to be 7 hours or so.
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
Would not recommend 16 hour drives
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
I'll do whatever to catch a big event.
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
that gets me SE SD, E NE, NE KS, all of S MN and N/C IL.
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
If I have to drive overnight Mike Marz style I might
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
If the season is in colorado and wyoming again I’ll do it
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
I'm more reluctant to go east though as storm motions take me further away and that is a minor thing to account for
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
luckily I can make it to just about any target outside of ND in under 12 hours
312will 10-Mar-19 05:40 PM
I drove from Kansas City to El Paso only for it to cap bust
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:41 PM
oh and far western TX and NM too I guess
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Though its gonna have to be a very attractive setup to get me to drive 6 hours for it.
Garrod 10-Mar-19 05:41 PM
(they don't count outside of chasecation for me though Yao
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 05:41 PM
West TX, west Dakotas, and the high plains take effort for me
The rest is in range
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Not like extreme caliber, but reasonably confident
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 05:46 PM
ooo, how did you make that?
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 05:46 PM
though I'd probably never go to IN for a setup unless its a 15% or something, the bar has to be high for me to go that far east
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 05:46 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 06:19 PM
Nest is showing iso sups! Its a 100% guarentee now
Angelo 10-Mar-19 06:31 PM
TV met just said “This low pressure system in the south may be the lowest...ever...”
B. Dean Berry 10-Mar-19 06:34 PM
Seems to me, Harrison, that there were people making a much further drive to the Plains, who were offering you the nav seat, no driving involved.
ThunderRolls 10-Mar-19 06:37 PM
That may have been the case
I dont like to commit to things Yao
especially this far out. I dont ever see myself taking a chasecation, I like the case by case basis. it's really nice
I get to pick and choose my setups
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 06:44 PM
Enjoy it while you can because reality is gonna get ya someday
B. Dean Berry 10-Mar-19 06:45 PM
Speaking of, my travel time to OKC is 17 hours straight.
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 06:46 PM
About 12
Angelo 10-Mar-19 06:47 PM
16 from here
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:48 PM
B. Dean Berry 10-Mar-19 06:48 PM
Location privilege. (edited)
CptProtato 10-Mar-19 06:49 PM
Mine would be about 16-18 hours Yao
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:49 PM
@B. Dean Berry I don't take it for granted either
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:50 PM
nobody wants to go to OKC though?
how did this thread get derailed again
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:50 PM
Dean did it
Blame him
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 06:50 PM
If the event were good it might not get derailed
B. Dean Berry 10-Mar-19 06:50 PM
Abeline is even further.
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:51 PM
🤘 1
Hank 4
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 06:53 PM
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:53 PM
I will only allow it because it is in the title of this channel
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
This channel needs more Hank
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
lol is that ur real flag
what is that
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
It is
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
looks like an arrow through a pickle
Yao 1
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
It's a native american peace pipe
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:54 PM
oh okay
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:55 PM
Garrod 10-Mar-19 06:55 PM
damn the illinois flag is a lot more MURRICA than I thought it'd be
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:55 PM
We love to pretend the horrific treatment of native Americans in this state didn't happen
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 06:55 PM
Guys focus on our 45 mph wind reports we will be sending in on Tuesday alright.
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 06:56 PM
*70mph becuase it will be derecho
Hank 2
Yao 3
Freshgeek 10-Mar-19 06:56 PM
pds 7
Hank emotes are reserved for texas nonsense and I will ban those who use it elsewhere
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 06:56 PM
No hype=tors
312will 10-Mar-19 06:57 PM
dab 5
dab2 4
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 06:57 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 10-Mar-19 07:00 PM
Make sure you have your passport ready on Tuesday
Yao 2
bo_sox48 10-Mar-19 07:01 PM
Gonna need to bring your HAARP stopwatch too, I hear the border down there is a little slow
Yao 1
312will 10-Mar-19 07:09 PM
And practice your 248nm Classic Reflectivity. WSR 88D ain't growing on cactus, and they don't make em in Chihuahua.
BJC9533 10-Mar-19 07:10 PM
cfs is poop
seanbarg 10-Mar-19 07:11 PM
well good thing we are in nam range
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 11:02 PM
Yeah I’m going to say Tuesday will be linear
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 10-Mar-19 11:02 PM
Go to the border
readyletsgo 10-Mar-19 11:13 PM
Darren Lo 10-Mar-19 11:14 PM
model runs for the border
Troy4321 10-Mar-19 11:25 PM
I mean I’ll be right on the border I’m hoping there is at least one pre line supercell (edited)
Stebo 11-Mar-19 12:07 AM
never know with a tail end charlie
also maybe a brief chance initially as well
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 12:08 AM
Yeah that’s true it should be a least fun to watch get some good shots from chiso mountain I hope
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 11-Mar-19 12:18 AM
Might be some damaging winds here even without storms. That is an absolute monster of a low level jet going with this thing
Stebo 11-Mar-19 12:20 AM
yeah they are already talking up the winds up this way for thursday
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 08:04 AM
pds 3
broylesoww 3
Broyles 4
Pick the model with the brightest colors and go with it!
😂 2
Yao 3
wxandnews 11-Mar-19 08:49 AM
Just go wherever the highest STP values are
Guaranteed wedge
That’s how all the professional chasers do it I heard
Broyles 3
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 09:52 AM
36 hour hrrr kinda hyping Eastern New Mexico
wxandnews 11-Mar-19 10:01 AM
Walter White Wedges
Yao 3
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:03 AM
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 10:03 AM
Not surprised that’s a pretty good environment in NM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:06 AM
Since everyone will be chasing the blizzard, this will produce
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:31 AM
Hrrr is obviously over doing cape, but I love da hype
seanbarg 11-Mar-19 10:33 AM
yea that HRRR run is pretty spicy
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:33 AM
👀 4
pds 5
I need to make a phone call Broyles broylesoww
Broyles 6
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 10:41 AM
Wedges for everyone! Yao
Pika 3
omg 3
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:50 AM
I don't see how the hrrr is even getting 3k Cape
312will 11-Mar-19 10:52 AM
Legendary eastern New Mexico magic?
Pika 2
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 10:54 AM
I’m loving the hrrr it has the other supercell going right through the big bend
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:54 AM
That sup in big bend will drop melons
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 10:54 AM
I know I’m glad I’m not camping out
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:55 AM
Legendary forecasting by you to already be in position
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 10:55 AM
Hahah just incredible luck
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:56 AM
Gotta be good to be luckyBroyles
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 10:57 AM
Don’t worry I used accuweathers 70 day forecast when I was planning my trip s/
Yao 4
Too bad the radar coverage down there is horrible
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 10:59 AM
Hrrr will take away a storm with every run now (edited)
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 11:09 AM
The storms are separate for like an hour on WRF-ARW, but BACKUP (edited)
Hank 9
pds 6
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 11:13 AM
Everyone committed to the blizzard so the hrrr took action
Angelo 11-Mar-19 11:29 AM
If someone scores a NM wedge they’ll be a legend
Broyles 4
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 11:31 AM
It's not 2018 anymore so I cant go call a rain shaft a wedge Yao meg
readyletsgo 11-Mar-19 11:34 AM
well we have had one wedge already
Angelo 11-Mar-19 11:39 AM
A poopy tree wedge
💩 3
🌳 3
🧀 4
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 11:39 AM
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 12:17 PM
When doesn’t the 36hr HRRR look like the end of the world
3000 SBCAPE Yao
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 12:18 PM
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 12:19 PM
The HRRR often has far too much CAPE at 36hrs and almost always corrects down at least somewhat leading up to the event
The last event did this
So did 2/23
Not sure about 3/3
Think we saw it there too
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 12:19 PM
also look at the dewpoint about 300 mb or so
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 12:20 PM
Yea, I’ve seen models do that
Not sure why, but it doesn’t seem to matter
One thing I don’t like, why does Gleason have tomorrow as a 2%. I think even with a linear mode, there’s enough low level shear to warrant a 5%
WeathermanEd (Chicago) 11-Mar-19 12:21 PM
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 12:22 PM
inb4 major outbreak cuz why not
2⃣ 4
0⃣ 4
1⃣ 4
9⃣ 4
➡ 4
🌰 4
pds 6
stormtrack 5
hypetrain 5
meg 1
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 12:30 PM
Cancellation of season coming at 18z
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 01:55 PM
1240 CDT Monday, March 11th 2019 For entertainment/educational use only. Discussion: Widespread cloud cover and convection is anticipated across eastern NM into western TX under strong ups…
👍 4
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 02:04 PM
But not good enough. Need moreBroyles
Broyles 4
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 02:15 PM
Not trying to bust again lol
Yao 2
broylesoww 3
312will 11-Mar-19 02:19 PM
Can't wait for the 18z to yee
Yao 2
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 02:21 PM
Itll wait until we all drive out there then BUST
312will 11-Mar-19 02:27 PM
I really do want to find an excuse to head west.
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 02:28 PM
Yea it won't take much to convince me, sadly
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 02:58 PM
I can just feel the disappointment loading in
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 03:27 PM
The way I think about it is even if there aren’t any tornadoes the landscape is so much nicer and there are higher LCL’s so at least you’ll see some structure so a bust in this part of Texas is way better than in Dixie alley
updoot 2
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 03:41 PM
Conceptually and historically, this 500mb setup should produce tornadoes tomorrow in New Mexico. Probably today as well, in NW NM. I’m guessing just east of Albuquerque tomorrow as the storms come off the mountains. May give it a shot as the WRF members start to show som...
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 03:46 PM
He’s been wrong pretty much every time he posted. So.. looks like 0 tornadoes tomorrow
Yao 3
broylesoww 3
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 03:46 PM
yea stas has had a rough start to say the least
seanbarg 11-Mar-19 03:58 PM
Lol naders today huh
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 03:59 PM
though I wouldnt be opposed if someone extended him an invite to this place
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 03:59 PM
I’m sure there will be a tornado or two in NM whether it’s worth it idk all I’m hoping for is some nice structure
Jon 11-Mar-19 03:59 PM
the only thing im looking forward to is how low the low will get
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 04:06 PM
Boo that isn’t even interesting
The deeper the low the more blasted the gulf gets
Need a :blast: emoji which is just a dewpoint map of the gulf after it gets obliterated
Jon 11-Mar-19 04:08 PM
so i either have to cheer for a record or cheer for the.. keeping the gulf in a nice and tornado healthy state?
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 04:10 PM
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 04:11 PM
18z HRRR still looks nice in NM BACKUP
312will 11-Mar-19 04:11 PM
Currently considering driving out to Carlsbad tomorrow.
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 04:11 PM
@BJC9533 That could be better represented with like a square representing a dewpoint in the 20s or something like that
Jon 11-Mar-19 04:11 PM
hm. hard choice tbh, its still early in the year for tors. how long lived could the gulf destruction be from a mega low?
Garrod 11-Mar-19 04:12 PM
it would kill the rest of March and the first bit of April too.
Jon 11-Mar-19 04:12 PM
oh my. alright im ok with march dying but not april
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 04:12 PM
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 04:12 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 04:13 PM
New Mexico will produce due to lack of hype
312will 11-Mar-19 04:13 PM
Yee gonna yee.
yee 10
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 04:14 PM
At least ill bust out west instead of east tomorrow
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 04:14 PM
still going at it with that 2500-3000 SBCAPE I see
312will 11-Mar-19 04:14 PM
Though I dont know where the cape comes from
312will 11-Mar-19 04:23 PM
There's a Linear Air Taxi nonstop exec flight from Austin to Midland for $6800. 😄
I mean, I am down for treating me to a birthday gift but ehhh.
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 11-Mar-19 04:24 PM
I think tomorrow has potential to be good, just a very short window
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 04:25 PM
6800 for a flight from Austin to midland lol
Garrod 11-Mar-19 04:25 PM
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 04:25 PM
What plane is it? Some sort of business jet I’m sure
312will 11-Mar-19 04:25 PM
It's a seven hour drive to the SE NM area for me. Then chase, then sleep, then head back right in for a late arrival at work on Wednesday. Doable.
I guess if we ever hit $100 barrels of oil and you're an oil magnate it may make sense. For me, the 2017 Ford F250 will be more than adequate.
ThunderRolls 11-Mar-19 04:29 PM
Yea I don’t know what those planes are, any of them
bo_sox48 11-Mar-19 04:33 PM
Nothing special until you get up to the jet
And also apparently they charge a premium for IFR which means you should not count on them flying on a day where there’s gonna be storms lol
harold 1
312will 11-Mar-19 04:36 PM
I think I could get out to SE NM, catch some early initiation, follow the storms back east for lightning.
Beats being in an office.
👍 5
readyletsgo 11-Mar-19 06:08 PM
you really telling me after his passes we get 2+ weeks of no recovery?
that's reaaaaaaly long
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:42 PM
@readyletsgo check ensemble plots if you don’t believe me. Multiple shots to the gulf. No recovery.
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:47 PM
which ensembles?
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:54 PM
Pretty much any... it’s pretty clear we have at least 2, maybe 3 strong fronts coming through the Gulf over the next two weeks
Euro, GFS, etc
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:54 PM
I'd say closer to 10 days
readyletsgo 11-Mar-19 06:55 PM
Oh well happens every year
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:55 PM
It’s still gonna be a while for full recovery lol
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:55 PM
and that thing around day 10 is a low that forms in the gulf, I will believe that when it happens
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:55 PM
We will see
The gulf won’t truly open until laaaaate in the week 3ish period
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:56 PM
im not denying a shit pattern for about 10 days, but after that looks good
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:56 PM
At least judging by euro weeklies and what is at the end of the euro ensemble
The pattern does look nice after day 10, but the moisture will be sketchy at best
What we need is a strong southeast ridge
It serves two good purposes, both help Plains chases and Midwest chases materialize
readyletsgo 11-Mar-19 06:57 PM
We need a squiggly line to point to the number 1 or 2
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:57 PM
1) obviously, it helps pump gulf moisture deep into the Plains and Midwest
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:58 PM
lol are you explaining a southeast ridge lol
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:58 PM
2) less obvious, it helps guide waves to the north and east, these typically have better shear and instability (negative tilt waves especially), and aren’t as harsh with cold fronts
Keep in mind the varying level of experience that reads these posts
Yes, might be obvious to you, not so much to others
You can get a deep trough out west with shit for ridging out east, and yet you’ll only get upper 50s dews to wonder what could have been 😓
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:59 PM
I think most understand the favorability of severe weather in the plains needs a ridge out west with moisture pumped northward over time
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:59 PM
Well you’re wrong
Stebo 11-Mar-19 06:59 PM
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 06:59 PM
Because for severe we need a ridge out east
Read your post 😉
readyletsgo 11-Mar-19 07:00 PM
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:00 PM
i obviously meant east
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:00 PM
lighten up, y r u so sensitive
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:00 PM
y u always try to explain things when i post?
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:01 PM
I’m trying to lay shit out for the people here who might not intuitively know just how important having the ridging is. Downstream ridging is an afterthought to a lot of people. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m not teaching you shit. I’m explaining for other readers. Relax dude lol
Garrod 11-Mar-19 07:01 PM
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:02 PM
just saying you like to 'explain' stuff right after i make a comment on it, this is like the 4th time in a week
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:04 PM
It’s not directed at you (or really, anyone). Just thinking out loud 90% of the time. Teaching is who I am.. I have been tasked with teaching synoptic meteorology at our hub here and devising a supercell/tornado forecast “flow chart” for the airmen and non-met Lts who got thrown in weather. I like explaining shit because 1) it’s cool to see the light go on for others and 2) it reminds me and keeps me aware of the fundamentals. It’s not meant to insult anyone’s schooling here.. just how I communicate. Don’t take it any sort of way mans
Jon 11-Mar-19 07:04 PM
maybe @BJC9533 is like morgan freeman in south park (he earns a freckle each time he explains things), maybe he also gets freckles
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:05 PM
So when I talk about things, half of the time I’m “explaining” something I’m just thinking out loud.
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:06 PM
its okay to have inner thoughts too 😂
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:06 PM
Man, I didn’t know something so minor could irritate someone so much. Whatevs man. You can always just block me lol
Freshgeek 11-Mar-19 07:06 PM
So this set up is a thing
Let's get back on track pls
👎 2
🖕 3
Chiclet 2
pds 1
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:07 PM
yes I agree we can talk about the current system
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:08 PM
Did you.. did you just react to your own post
Freshgeek 11-Mar-19 07:08 PM
Of course
🇼 3
🇭 3
🇾 3
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 07:08 PM
i mean who wouldnt do that you know
Freshgeek 11-Mar-19 07:08 PM
Josh gets it
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:09 PM
Freshgeek 11-Mar-19 07:09 PM
Hank wants to know his weather this week
BJC9533 11-Mar-19 07:10 PM
Oof... don’t get the reference. Never watched KOTH Pika
Garrod 11-Mar-19 07:10 PM
Weathernerd645 11-Mar-19 07:10 PM
koth sounds like some wierd indie band form austin
Stebo 11-Mar-19 07:11 PM
2nd time in 2 days and still hilarious
Freshgeek 11-Mar-19 07:12 PM
Hank is reserved for texas discussions
B. Dean Berry 11-Mar-19 08:16 PM
Just saw that episode yesterday.
312will 11-Mar-19 08:22 PM
From NWS Midland: Progged wind fields through the column indicate the potential for a high end damaging wind event with wind gusts of 60 to 80 mph in the plains and over 90 mph in the mountains.
That's a dusty ass day out there Wednesday.
seanbarg 11-Mar-19 08:58 PM
oh god I imagine it will be
@453Braxton wrf was onto something last night based on that current severe warn
maybe a bit too far north tho
A for effort
Troy4321 11-Mar-19 09:02 PM
It feels good to charge the camera batteries and get the GoPro ready
I miss that
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 11-Mar-19 09:23 PM
Saw this off the 18z NAM in SE NM
Not just the HRRR bumping this up a notch
Jdbeesonwx 11-Mar-19 09:40 PM
Cant' ever say I've seen a PDS sounding in New Mexico before omg
Caitlin Kelly 11-Mar-19 09:40 PM
Can you pull a sounding when we were out there?
Jdbeesonwx 11-Mar-19 09:41 PM
I do not thinkkk so. Reason being is I don't think model data that far back is archived and there were no sounding stations remotely close to Roswell
Caitlin Kelly 11-Mar-19 09:41 PM
Stebo 11-Mar-19 09:45 PM
that sounding is oof
jonathan i have
clovis usually once a year gets a good event
453Braxton 11-Mar-19 09:46 PM
Here's 00z HRRR
Stebo 11-Mar-19 09:46 PM
especially as the dryline backs further and further west
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 11-Mar-19 09:51 PM
Literally lighting NM tf up