stormtrack discord
400 messages
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 02:56 PM
It has already begun
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 02:56 PM
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 02:56 PM
Arizona baby
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 02:57 PM
Major accident closed down highway 180
If anyone is headed out of lamesa
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 03:01 PM
news lady called that a cold air funnel - looks more impressive than that
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 03:06 PM
18z HRRR rolling out
bigthink 1
torcon 1
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 03:08 PM
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 03:09 PM
It isnt that bad really, that supercell persists for 3 hours in a good environment
Yao 4
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 03:09 PM
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 03:11 PM
that QLCS is gonna do things too. Not sure how many tornadoes will end up confirmed due to the fact that NM is bare, but it will produce some
yee 2
derecho 3
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 03:11 PM
That's an old screenshot 🤣 just remembering what could've been
Yao 2
pds 2
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 03:14 PM
Boy this fog north of Roswell ain't quitting anytime soon
312will 12-Mar-19 03:15 PM
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 03:16 PM
I dont think it ever truly lifts
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:17 PM
It’s getting better.. slowly. Still 3 hours to clear up but we gon see
312will 12-Mar-19 03:20 PM
I feel like they're testing missiles on NM 167. Fortunately in a F250, thanks be to the gods, the old and the new.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 03:21 PM
Some sun patches now between the densest patches
Good sign
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:22 PM
readyletsgo 12-Mar-19 03:27 PM
back up, great emote or greatest emote?
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 03:28 PM
this is the greatest emote
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:28 PM
Nope this is way better
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 03:29 PM
Yao Nah, this is
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 03:29 PM
Hank nahhhh
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 03:29 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:29 PM
meg 1
madthink 1
312will 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
Siren harold dab dab2 spongebob oof ohwow
Syryquil 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
yt-ScienceOutThere 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
WeathermanEd (Chicago) 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
Guys we all know the greatest emote pds
Syryquil 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
I love all of our emotes equally
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 03:32 PM
updoot 6
will 6
thinkpartyblob 6
💯 1
cheekibreeki 6
Spann 6
hypetrain 6
sheriffnado 6
thonk 6
weenie 6
shelfie 6
MikeMorgan 6
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 12-Mar-19 03:36 PM
Spann 4
ryan hearne 12-Mar-19 03:37 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:37 PM
This place is going well I see
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 03:45 PM
Well, looks like the TTU WRF and the HRRR agree! Really wish I could be out there. If flights to Amarillo had just been a little bit cheaper...
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 03:45 PM
Jesus lmao
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 03:46 PM
some storms have gone up way up by clovis
HRRR has also been overdoing dews
60s dews still not to carlsbad
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 03:47 PM
New spc in 10 minutes will be a marginal risk
🇫 3
Yao 3
meg 3
ryan hearne 12-Mar-19 03:49 PM
General tstorm**
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:50 PM
no thunder
312will 12-Mar-19 03:50 PM
Unless there's clearing, only way anyone will see anything in this soup is if they're within 200 yards of it.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 03:50 PM
I miss see text
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:52 PM
See text was the GOT
312will 12-Mar-19 03:52 PM
🌫 5
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:52 PM
Weathernerd645 12-Mar-19 03:53 PM
that is the weather i want to see right before tornadoes
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 03:53 PM
Yea I'm really questioning my decision lol
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 03:53 PM
Fog is a sign
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:55 PM
Damn lol
2% tor lo lololol
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:56 PM
2%? Wow SPC is hyping this up
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:56 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 03:56 PM
F5 3
Hank 3
torcon 3
Broyles 5
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 03:56 PM
Same 10%
Lol: “no change was made to the previous outlook”
Sick discussion bro
Guess SPC doesn’t overreact to HRRR forecasts 😦
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 03:58 PM
It’s foggy here in Sanderson tx may try Pecos tx
Been driving all day any updates I see SPC is sticking to the same forecast
readyletsgo 12-Mar-19 04:01 PM
see text:
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 04:01 PM
No changes. 10% unhatched in NM/TX
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 04:03 PM
Yeah I’m right by fort Stockton so I’m in the middle of the 10% not feeling particularly confident in seeing an isolated supercell today
312will 12-Mar-19 04:05 PM
Same in Carlsbad. No clearing on the lee side of the mountains.
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 04:06 PM
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:07 PM
Just noticed this
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 04:07 PM
yeah I like that
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 04:07 PM
go red dot go
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:08 PM
booooo android
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 04:10 PM
I dont think that storm is surface based
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:11 PM
Yeah, idk
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 04:11 PM
Clovis = elevates
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:11 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 04:12 PM
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 04:12 PM
very large hail (edited)
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:12 PM
80% chance of watch
DISCUSSION...Thick cloud cover and fog which has limited low-level heating for much of the day has started to dissipate over the last few hours everywhere except southeast New Mexico. These cloud breaks have allowed surface temperatures to increase into the mid 60s. In addition to surface heating, gulf moisture has advected northwestward through the day with surface dewpoints in the low 60s near the New Mexico border. This has led to MLCAPE around 1500 J/kg in southeast New Mexico extending southward toward Big Bend National Park. A bit more surface heating may be possible before storm initiation, but low-to-mid level ascent has already started to arrive and storm initiation is likely soon.
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:12 PM
pds 10
Jdbeesonwx 12-Mar-19 04:13 PM
I remember that highway Yao @453Braxton
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:13 PM
The 18Z MAF sounding showed a favorable wind profile with deep layer shear around 50 knots and effective SRH around 275 m2/s2. This wind profile is expected to become even more favorable into the early evening with 700mb flow strengthening from 35 knots to near 60 knots after 00Z and effective SRH increasing above 500 m2/s2. The biggest question will be whether isolated supercells can develop ahead of the Pacific front this afternoon. The HRRR continues to develop a few isolated storms in southeast New Mexico this afternoon with surface temperatures near 70 degrees. If isolated supercells do develop in this environment, the thermodynamic and kinematic environment will be extremely favorable for tornadoes. However, quick storm motion may quickly take storms out of the better instability which may limit the opportunity for low-level mesocyclone organization within this favorable environment. Farther south into the Trans Pecos (where GOES16 visible imagery shows a thickening cumulus field), if any storms can develop they will remain in better instability for a longer period after initiation, making the threat for tornadoes more likely. However, the threat for isolated storms ahead of the Pacific front in this area appears less likely as the better forcing remains farther north.
ryan hearne 12-Mar-19 04:14 PM
"If isolated supercells do develop in this environment, the thermodynamic and kinematic environment will be extremely favorable for tornadoes."
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:14 PM
Got some merging going on
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 04:16 PM
very nice
I see bubbles
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:17 PM
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 04:17 PM
on satellite
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:22 PM
Is this multiple small updrafts, or one large one?
I assume battling updrafts
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 04:24 PM
None of the above
You’re looking at low elevation. That’s just the size of the raindrops
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 04:25 PM
Ah ok
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:27 PM
gotta look at the various tilts to see if the fat raindrop size continues with height, suggesting an updraft... yeah? its been a while for me, i feel rusty as hell with everything
312will 12-Mar-19 04:28 PM
+2 hours on SPC Mesoscale Analysis
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:30 PM
lol that lcl
man, i dont recognize like any of the SN dots except ryan darr since hes on here
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 04:36 PM
61/61 in SE NM
Jon 12-Mar-19 04:37 PM
sounds moist
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 04:40 PM
Haven't seen a sun break since well north of Roswell :(
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 04:40 PM
312will 12-Mar-19 04:41 PM
Cap seems like it's relaxing around Carlsbad but not broken. Clouds have some gaps but also not broken. I see semi clearing on satellite to the south.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 04:41 PM
But temp is rising on approach to artesia
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 04:49 PM
If I went, this was my target area. Between Balmorhea and Fort Stockton, TX.
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 04:58 PM
Need CI soonly
Jon 12-Mar-19 05:00 PM
its over, all over
312will 12-Mar-19 05:00 PM
Still think something can pop near south of Carlsbad along the dryline bulge. It's also just 3pm lol.
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:00 PM
ya i keep forgetting the time difference
readyletsgo 12-Mar-19 05:00 PM
yeah that extra hour from DST coming in clutch rn
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:00 PM
mor peak heating
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 05:01 PM
The time zone does make a difference
I only said need CI soon bc of what is coming from the west
312will 12-Mar-19 05:01 PM
Yeah definitely
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:05 PM
wonder how the snow at Ruidoso is gonna fare with this squall line
Jon 12-Mar-19 05:06 PM
FIRST BOX! severe
🍴 3
derecho 2
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:09 PM
Ski Apache is about to get nailed
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:10 PM
Really need this fog in Fort Stockton to clear
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 05:11 PM
Is the giant road runner statue still a thing in ft stockton?
312will 12-Mar-19 05:13 PM
A lil bit of warmth and instability would go a long way
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:16 PM
Idk I didn’t see one lol
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:34 PM
Seems that there is some local backing in this region that’s where I’m heading just need some clearing and initialization
Tornado watch just went out
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 05:36 PM
no sign of initiation
312will 12-Mar-19 05:37 PM
A tornado watch has been issued for parts of New Mexico and Texas until 11 PM CDT
🌪 3
F5 4
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:39 PM
50/20 watch probs
I don't recall seeing alot of tor watches for big bend in the past
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 05:39 PM
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:39 PM
That’s not great pretty disappointed with those probs
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:40 PM
I'll admit, those are reasonable probs
This wasn't gonna be a huge event worthy of high probs
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
but that's my meme lol
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Did he steal your meme, Braxton?
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Need one monster supercell to just go ahead and verify my outlook please
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Were we expecting 80/50 probs?
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
Given the current conditions those probs are reasonable just disappointed with the setup currently
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
>95, >95
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
No, I shared it with him
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
too much fog
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
I am in a DM with him and few others
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
I’d like to see a supercell at least
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:41 PM
SUMMARY...Storms are expected to increase in coverage and intensity from eastern New Mexico and spreading into southwest and west Texas. Supercells evolving into line segments with damaging wind are likely and a few tornadoes and large hail are also possible through the evening.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 05:42 PM
Moisture looks good to me, honestly the surface temps aren't too bad either
unless we were expecting widespread 70s in SE NM
Radi K.(Houston TX) 12-Mar-19 05:43 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 05:43 PM
69/60 at INK
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 05:44 PM
Where I am it’s 62-64 dewpoint sonI think that’s pretty damn good for March just waiting for supercells to initiate ahead of the line if that happens (edited)
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 05:52 PM
Dare someone to go after that segment near Dell city
Stebo 12-Mar-19 05:52 PM
those probabilities are fine, have to remember some of that is based upon verification as well, and there are some pretty desolate places in that watch
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 05:54 PM
HRRR still holding on to a little cell initiating near Carlsbad with the 21z run
Not sure im buying it at this stage
ThunderRolls 12-Mar-19 05:56 PM
Yea I’m going with a nada in the discrete department. If it were going to develop, I feel like it would’ve by now
312will 12-Mar-19 05:56 PM
My extraordinarily slim and dying hope
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:57 PM
looks like a guy named Greg is going after that area by Dell City - he actually joined the discord today also
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:57 PM
derecho time broylesoww
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 05:58 PM
At least we have a sqaull to chase
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 05:58 PM
could chase it all the way home
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 05:59 PM
Yeah, squalls can still be fun
Radi K.(Houston TX) 12-Mar-19 06:00 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 06:01 PM
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:03 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 06:04 PM
I mean there is clearing ahead of the line, but not enough
readyletsgo 12-Mar-19 06:04 PM
bet some desperate fools drove 12 hours for this
312will 12-Mar-19 06:06 PM
Member when there was clearing that would take Carlsbad to 73 vs 59? I member.
member 2
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:07 PM
CI looks imminent
Lol I tried telling folks not to chase. Only reason people got so hyped is bc it's the first Plains event/potential of the season
Supercell development looking imminent here
312will 12-Mar-19 06:09 PM
Actual clearing!
I'm hoping it's the intersection of 70/60
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 06:12 PM
First tall storm just N of Dell City.. 40 dbz at 30 kft.
** 40 dbz at 40kft
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:13 PM
where da fuck is that
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 06:13 PM
312will 12-Mar-19 06:14 PM
To my SSE
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 06:14 PM
The namnest is gonna verify!
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:14 PM
oh is that part of the garbage
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 06:14 PM
Yeah part of the line
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:14 PM
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 06:15 PM
Looks like initiation could be starting in big bend as well
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 06:15 PM
VTP is having some issues Yao
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:15 PM
Don't shleep on my circle area
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 06:15 PM
Oh BTW, if you are using KHDX, you are getting beam blocked on it... Tilt up of use KMAF
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:15 PM
VTP is maybe the most useless parameter ever
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 06:16 PM
Uh yeah
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 06:16 PM
Subtle SW-ne boundary between artesia and Carlsbad is my only hope
But anvil shadows are imminent
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 06:18 PM
🇫 5
Goodbye supercells lol
312will 12-Mar-19 06:19 PM
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 06:19 PM
Hahah damn
Jon 12-Mar-19 06:19 PM
You can’t say goodbye if they never said hello
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 06:19 PM
Can't say we haven't seen mm this coming for a few hours now
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 06:20 PM
My only hope is the cumulus field in big bend right now
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 06:21 PM
SUMMARY...An intensifying line of thunderstorms will pose a risk for damaging winds across parts of southeast NM and far West TX this afternoon. DISCUSSION...Latest radar loop shows a line of intense convection extending across eastern Otero and extreme western Chaves counties of southeast NM. These storms have formed along a very strong Pacific cold front, where 2-hour surface pressure falls of 5+ mb are noted. The convection has begun to accelerate eastward, with individual components now moving at over 45 knots to the northeast. Strong forcing along the front, steepening low-level lapse rates ahead of the storms, and favorable low-level winds shown on local VAD and forecast sounding data support an increasing risk of damaging winds along the line. The main limiting factor will be the residual cool layer near the surface which may reduce the strength of wind gusts at the ground. However, These storms will also be moving off the Sacramento mountains into a more moist boundary-layer which may help to offset the near-ground stable layer.
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 06:22 PM
Forcing stronk
thonk 2
shelfie 3
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 12-Mar-19 06:23 PM
@CameronJNixon Would have definitely made the difference. My guess is the CAMs were too agressing in moving it out. Upper wave has definitely slowed down.
Slow upper wave kills this setup for sure
Which I suppose is not surprising given how amplified it is.
312will 12-Mar-19 06:24 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 06:25 PM
This 💩 is over
Lightning ops
Jon Strebler 12-Mar-19 06:25 PM
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 06:27 PM
jeez bust at 21:30 storm time?
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 06:27 PM
Gonna let this Dell City garbage come to me then Rib Crib in Roswell. There are worse ways to spend a day
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 06:28 PM
SPC basically said nope to the tornado threat, and I pretty much agree BUST
312will 12-Mar-19 06:31 PM
Temp just rose eight degrees in Carlsbad lol. Needed it two hours ago.
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 12-Mar-19 06:33 PM
Sounds like early march
Find the strongest winds in the sqaull and let it blow me back to dfw
312will 12-Mar-19 06:34 PM
Dropping to Pecos for the TEC and lightning later
BJC9533 12-Mar-19 06:38 PM
someone think of the children
312will 12-Mar-19 06:48 PM
72 and sunny five miles south of Carlsbad. And for the first time today, I at least see towers.
A lil too little too late. I'll go get in position for QLCS Time.
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 06:52 PM
@Troy4321 storm going up by Marfa?
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 12-Mar-19 06:52 PM
Squall line cells can't even maintain consistent strength lol
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 06:53 PM
Im heading for it
👍 1
Illinois Wedges 12-Mar-19 07:04 PM
derecho BUST
Troy4321 12-Mar-19 07:08 PM
Well that storm near Marfa evaporated
I think I’m going to call it BUST
ryan hearne 12-Mar-19 07:11 PM
Heading home
312will 12-Mar-19 07:18 PM
Going to watch the Dell City cell. One man's last desperate clutch at the day.
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 07:18 PM
SPC to the rescue (edited)
312will 12-Mar-19 07:19 PM
Curious if it's riding the front. It went from 57 to 72 in ten miles.
LLJ howling
I'm reminded how much I rely on velocity scans in radar holes
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:21 PM
wow this busted hard.
Jon 12-Mar-19 07:22 PM
spc not giving up
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:22 PM
Ph friggin hell
Well we might have something there near Marfa?
🤔 1
312will 12-Mar-19 07:24 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:24 PM
Come on little guy
Will where you at buddy?
Hey if they build the wall. Tell them put up Mesonets all along the wall every 5 miles. lol
Yao 1
omega 1
yee 3
will 1
texas 1
crapvection the problem today.
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 07:30 PM
Wait, SPC is still saying supercells possible? Yao
thonk 1
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:35 PM
Van Horn looks good
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 07:38 PM
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 07:38 PM
Mean-looking supercell just southwest of Carlsbad right now. #nmwx
Yao 1
cored 4
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:38 PM
friggin hail maker it be thar!
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 07:40 PM
I think goes just lost signal
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:40 PM
it's so far from radar.
they tor warned it. Whites City NM. (edited)
Jdbeesonwx 12-Mar-19 07:51 PM
Anyone wanna go join me in putting some dynamite on that mountain blocking the radar and hit the kaboom button?
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 07:52 PM
Its my dream as a geologist
thonk 4
to blow up a mountain with dynamite
Otherwise my degrees are useless (edited)
Angelo 12-Mar-19 07:55 PM
Wow velocity looks strong
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 07:56 PM
At 547 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado was located near Whites City, or 16 miles south of Carlsbad, moving east at 50 mph. At 545 PM MDT a Park Ranger at Carlsbad National Park reported hail up to golfball size cover the ground.
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 07:57 PM
Beast mode
The town of Loving is going to get a beating
Jon 12-Mar-19 07:58 PM
the hail is slowing down i believe, all the high dbz is getting smaller in area
and we just went below 65
its on a weakening trend
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 07:59 PM
dropped hail core
JFMass (Montreal, Qc) 12-Mar-19 07:59 PM
This is a dream storm structure lolol
Jon 12-Mar-19 07:59 PM
itd be nice if this was below 5k ft beam though, we're still above 13,000
next scan should get us sub 13000
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:00 PM
Maybe a new area of rotation on the SE side?
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:00 PM
that might anti?
well nope
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:01 PM
Jeez I hope the chasers have more than just that one highway to escape
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:01 PM
i dont think they need to worry about "escape" as it looks like this guy is done
or at least this cycle
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:02 PM
Confirmed tornado near Dexter, NM
sheriffnado 1
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
where the hell is dexter
sheriffnado 1
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
Further north of the line
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
oh there we go, warning popped up finally, its north of the TOR
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
It's near Roswell, NM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
Sheriffnado (edited)
sheriffnado 2
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:03 PM
👽 nado
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:04 PM
Radar coverage sucks over it
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:04 PM
18,000 ft beam from KMAF
11,000 from KFDX
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:06 PM
talking about Dexter one?
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:08 PM
312will 12-Mar-19 08:08 PM
But it's between two rain shafts and hail starting
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 08:08 PM
Very nice
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:09 PM
Caught a glimpse of a large rain wrapped #tornado near Dexter, NM #nmwx
So uh
That's a thing
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:11 PM
Wow it’s dark for 5:10
No wait...6:10
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 08:13 PM
Dexter has the best terrain and road network in the area
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:13 PM
Fort Sunmer NM Tor warned (edited)
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:13 PM
Wills cell looks gnarly
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
Lil TOR warned shrimp
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
Git it
cored 2
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
@NWSAlbuquerque Debris falling from the sky in Dexter. Watched it rope out.
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
We believe in you, Will!
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
Get it WILL! GO GO
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:14 PM
Also that’s not good
312will 12-Mar-19 08:15 PM
Remind me to never do this again
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:15 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:15 PM
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 08:15 PM
76 mph gust at Carlsbad airport.
312will 12-Mar-19 08:16 PM
I can't believe I didn't get a cracked windshield
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:16 PM
That’s a win then
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:17 PM
Atta boy Will
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 08:17 PM
Not in David’s eyes lol
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:18 PM
You’re a pro hail dodger
312will 12-Mar-19 08:18 PM
🍨 2
cored 5
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 08:18 PM
Nice golfballs!
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 12-Mar-19 08:18 PM
some 2"ers/golf balls?
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:19 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:19 PM
I dont think so but I'm not sure
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 08:19 PM
@Angelo Not a TDS
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:19 PM
I doubt a TDS, literally nothing around it lol
Angelo 12-Mar-19 08:19 PM
Yeah, doesn’t look organized like a ball
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:20 PM
brief and weak tds, 11,000 beam height
im only confident in saying that since we have word from the ground of debris
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:21 PM
Will has tor warned and confirmed by Malaga NM. (edited)
312will 12-Mar-19 08:21 PM
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:22 PM
TORR near Carlsbad (edited)
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 08:22 PM
Snowing ?
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:22 PM
Tornado Warning for... Southeastern Eddy County in southeastern New Mexico... * Until 645 PM MDT. * At 620 PM MDT, a confirmed tornado was located in loving, or 15 miles southeast of Carlsbad, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Damaging tornado and hail up to two inches in diameter. SOURCE...Emergency Management confirmed tornado.
sheriffnado 4
312will 12-Mar-19 08:22 PM
I'm in Loving?
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:23 PM
south of Loving on SN dots (edited)
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 08:23 PM
@312will Just off to your NE?
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:23 PM
That tor on the southern storm though! Great job @Txstormhunter and @Stormtrek1!
Where is dat
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:23 PM
Dexter, NM I assume
312will 12-Mar-19 08:24 PM
I'm headed east in a mile
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:24 PM
Ricardo NM?
k will
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:24 PM
That’s wills storm
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:25 PM
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:26 PM
Few areas of rotation in the line now
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:27 PM
linear mode is active. (edited)
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:28 PM
Storm chaser Stacey Gifford just confirmed tornado lasted four minutes at 7:15 PM DST. #nmwx @NWSMidland
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 08:31 PM
ah nice a tornado happened while I was at dinner
looks nice
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 08:31 PM
It says in the description that is the southern storm
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:32 PM
2 tors*
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:32 PM
2 confirmed
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 08:32 PM
Via Tyler Hudson
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 08:32 PM
one sheriffnado and one in that pic?
Jon 12-Mar-19 08:32 PM
dexter, NM had a weak tds that im personally only comfortable calling a TDS because of ground confirmation of debris
Jdbeesonwx 12-Mar-19 08:33 PM
That is a nice tube
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:33 PM
I'd be happy
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 08:33 PM
yea looks rather nice for how linear those storms looks
Caitlin Kelly 12-Mar-19 08:33 PM
That's beautiful
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:33 PM
Did will get to see it?
wxmeddler 12-Mar-19 08:34 PM
I think Will was perhaps just back in the mess, didn't see it. Not entirely convinced this isn't the Dexter tor...
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:34 PM
@Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) Was that the Loving, NM storm or the Dexter, NM storm? Hearing mixed reports.
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:34 PM
That tor on the southern storm though! Great job @Txstormhunter and @Stormtrek1!
The two mentioned in the tweet are both near Loving
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:35 PM
Got it! Thanks
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 08:35 PM
whos pic is that?
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:36 PM
Confirmed #tornado just east of Loving, NM. #nmwx
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:36 PM
Not sure which one
Ben Jurkovich (Seattle, Wa) 12-Mar-19 08:38 PM
This is all the southern storm for the last 20 messages
312will 12-Mar-19 08:38 PM
Yeah missed it but still tracking. Roads may doom me.
Freshgeek 12-Mar-19 08:38 PM
Go Will go
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:39 PM
Footage of a Tornado in Loving, NM This is moving east at 30mph quickly along 128 through Eddy County. Folks in the path of this storm need to take cover. Big thank you to Yadira Lujan & stay safe. @NWSMidland #nmwx
@NWSAlbuquerque snapshot of the Dexter #tornado roping out taken at 6:42 pm mountain time #nmwx
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:42 PM
So two decent tors today
Not bad for NM in March really
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 08:42 PM
Jdbeesonwx 12-Mar-19 08:42 PM
Remember what happened two hours ago? Yao
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:43 PM
Everyone simultaneously calling bust saved the day
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:43 PM
NOT FOR BROADCAST Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license. [email protected] Cone tornado just south of Malaga Nm. (2 miles) At 715pm
Hot damn
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:44 PM
312will 12-Mar-19 08:44 PM
Missed it by three miles and a hail core. Still, this has been fun.
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:44 PM
At least you got some golf balls
453Braxton 12-Mar-19 08:44 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:45 PM
Chase Boyer
he got one
312will 12-Mar-19 08:45 PM
Yeah man I freaking love it. And we're not even close to the good part of the season.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:45 PM
might? be well...
look on his stream
monsoonman1 12-Mar-19 08:45 PM
Plenty of goods left
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:46 PM
funnel finger
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 12-Mar-19 08:46 PM
He’s got a funnel
seanbarg 12-Mar-19 08:46 PM
chase just joined here recently
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-19 08:46 PM
oh no it's bug guts it's moving around.