stormtrack discord
400 messages
312will 02-Apr-19 11:24 AM
@Trey (Tulsa OK) It was, yeah. It's going to take some effort to get the 50 Td in Corpus Christi to Elk City. Not unheard of, of course, but I'll want to check observations tomorrow morning
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 02-Apr-19 12:54 PM
NAM3K still trending west, but at the expense of a couple degrees dews
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 01:15 PM
Trending more marginal by the hour
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 01:24 PM
Shows a point I wanted to make
Trending west alone doesn’t help the event. 58 surface dew in OkC trended west won’t stay 58 surface dewpoint in the model prof
Only way the actual mixing ratio increases is if the return flow strengthens or the quality of the gulf is progged to be better. A simple shift to higher elevation will keep mixing ratio the same (on a surface plot dews will decrease a little)
That’s an epic bulge
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 01:29 PM
Hence why I say back the dryline west with mid 50s dews not upper 50s like earlier progs.
312will 02-Apr-19 01:49 PM
Td in Texas... and hat tip to the oil facility that put the sensor in the boiler room for 118F.
If the winds were 30mph out of the SSE (as they can be) I would be more positive for tomorrow. But it ded, Jim.
seanbarg 02-Apr-19 01:52 PM
that 2% was dropped also
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 02-Apr-19 01:53 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 02-Apr-19 02:09 PM
and it's gone.
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 02-Apr-19 02:09 PM
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 02:13 PM
ryan hearne 02-Apr-19 03:11 PM
To the trees!
Yao 10
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 02-Apr-19 03:22 PM
...MAXIMUM RISK BY HAZARD... Tornado: <2% - None
💩 11
torcon 8
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 02-Apr-19 05:49 PM
Gonna suck so bad early tomorrow morning when the models trend much moister all of a sudden and I start to question my decision not to chase 😃
yt-ScienceOutThere 02-Apr-19 06:05 PM
The way this is trending you might not have to go very far 😂
Garrod 02-Apr-19 06:06 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 07:28 PM
So much for chasing tomorrow
lol 2019
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 09:13 PM
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 02-Apr-19 09:14 PM
453Braxton 02-Apr-19 09:22 PM
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 02-Apr-19 09:30 PM
this day is dead
453Braxton 02-Apr-19 09:33 PM
HRRR = hype
Syryquil 02-Apr-19 09:35 PM
When is it not though?
453Braxton 02-Apr-19 09:35 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 02-Apr-19 09:37 PM
Let's get hrrrd, who's in
bo_sox48 02-Apr-19 09:41 PM
Elevated hailer hype wooo
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 02-Apr-19 09:44 PM
Sunset structure
Tors dont happen in the southern plains anymore so take what you can get
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 02-Apr-19 09:51 PM
Elevated hailers can still make a decent chase for our research but I think we already decided on sitting out tmrw
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 02-Apr-19 09:54 PM
Good thing is, it's close enough to make a last second call tomorrow
wxmeddler 02-Apr-19 09:58 PM
Structure with chance of bust is my forecast
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:38 PM
We decided to sit out too. It ended up being much more of a stretch for me to get there than anticipated. Our overall discussion ended with “If this were mid to late may, would we go out of our way to chase this?”
And the answer was a resounding no
MikeMorgan 2
The NSSL seems like a weenie WRF - I have no experience with it. Is that a reasonable assessment?
453Braxton 02-Apr-19 10:41 PM
I was about to mention that....
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 10:41 PM
Nah the ARW is more the weenie WRF
I can see why it has such a strong storm there
Getting upper 50s dews to CDS
If it looks like that might happen tomorrow, I'll head out.
ThunderRolls 02-Apr-19 10:43 PM
hows it doing with moisture now?
im checking
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:43 PM
This is what I expected to happen now that we all decided to sit on the sidelines
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 10:43 PM
Not terribly
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:44 PM
HRRR initiated on an axis of 55 F dews
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 10:44 PM
Which I'd probably head out for
ThunderRolls 02-Apr-19 10:44 PM
Yea, its doing alright with moisture right now
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 10:44 PM
I'm pretty certain we'll get initiation if we get those kind of dews.
ThunderRolls 02-Apr-19 10:44 PM
51-52 dews probably arent gonna cut it conversely
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 10:45 PM
If the dews on the NSSL WRF verify, a storm in that position would have tornado potential
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 10:46 PM
@John Homenuk (New York, NY) our of the bunch the NSSL WRF is the preferred CAM of the SPC
not that it’s the best but they have the best handle on how it performs. Definitely don’t think it’s a weenie
Jdbeesonwx 02-Apr-19 10:46 PM
Hell if I was close I'd head out just for some good structure in good terrain if I had unlimited time + money. Not something you often get that far west in early April
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 02-Apr-19 10:48 PM
Nam is bringing it even further west I see
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:49 PM
Got it thank you for feedback on NSSL 👍🏼
I was planning on going tomorrow but it’s gotten very difficult and i’d have to really move mountains to do it. I had to make a decision earlier today and we collectively said we’d sit this out
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 10:49 PM
NAM seems a little west biased this year
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:49 PM
Which of course means everything is now showing supercells
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 10:49 PM
You’re not missing out. You’re just desperate.
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 02-Apr-19 10:49 PM
But I still feel confident sitting it out, I wouldn’t chase this in mid or late May
BJC9533 02-Apr-19 10:50 PM
Come to terms with it and it’s easy to accept not being there. Why would anyone chase this in peak season, other than absolute boredom and desperation? You wouldn’t.
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 02-Apr-19 10:51 PM
Theyll show sups until 3pm tomorrow when everyone arrives and then go quiet
Jdbeesonwx 02-Apr-19 10:52 PM
Conspiracy theory: Chaser convergence has gotten so bad that it's spooking the good storms into hiding when people show up
Yao 4
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 11:14 PM
I think I'm gonna pull the trigger tomorrow pending moisture OBS in the morning, initial target would probably be either Childress or Shamrock
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 02-Apr-19 11:23 PM
Why not Wellington 😃
Stebo 02-Apr-19 11:29 PM
loved that road between shamrock and childress
i believe there is only one town between the two
mcbeewx 02-Apr-19 11:53 PM
My initial target is Childress.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 02-Apr-19 11:56 PM
00z Euro backed things west even a bit more, but those dews....
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 02-Apr-19 11:57 PM
The new 00z?
That isn't out yet heh
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 02-Apr-19 11:57 PM
NAM LSI has never shown any strong hint at surface based storms along the DL
haha dang it I forget Weather.US has "most recent" and the same run in "archived"
I did think that seemed a little early, but I lost track of time this evening 😃
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX) 03-Apr-19 12:02 AM
It's crazy how many marginal days you guys would be chasing in the pre-CAM days.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 12:05 AM
Chase everything back then.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 12:06 AM
I'm always the worst about the first chase of the year. Trying to balance a skeptical forecast and preserve precious days off vs a winter's worth of built up anticipation
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 12:07 AM
if anything, CAMs get people to chase more marginal days rather than sit them out
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 12:11 AM
Yea you throw 4-5 HRRR runs with a nice UH track and I'll be second guessing my most confident stay at home days
CAMS are great FOMO generators
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 12:12 AM
no doubt
Will 03-Apr-19 12:12 AM
FOMO is increasing tho with instagram and facebook bugging the shit out of everyone
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 12:13 AM
i honestly have 0 FOMO about tomorrow, despite any CAM runs, but perhaps ill be shocked. Wouldn't be the first time
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 12:15 AM
I wish I was either 4 hours closer or 4 hours further away from tomorrow, then my choice would be really easy
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 12:17 AM
what is FOMO
More acronyms why
ThunderRolls 03-Apr-19 12:18 AM
fear of missing out
I bought litecoin once so I'm a stock market guru now and I know these acronyms (edited)
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 12:19 AM
Fear Of Missing Out was the first acronym to ever be created to be fair
in the history of acronyns
CoD is messing around
so slow
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 12:30 AM
@Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) was trying to figure out what type of oscillation FOMO referred to 😃
😆 1
Mike Ma☈z (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 12:31 AM
hahaha there's no doubt
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 12:50 AM
I will see you all under the bright blue sky in SAYRE
Enjoy your sleep
I will enjoy these highways
fireball 6
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 12:56 AM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 01:11 AM
I lied I’m going to bed night losers
👍 3
⚰ 3
💤 3
🛌 3
Spann 3
yee 3
MikeMorgan 3
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 01:17 AM
lol. a little late for april fools jokes.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 01:44 AM
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 01:51 AM
a brief tornado cannot be ruled out.
Last time I created a target area for the panhandle it overperformed. If this happens, I'm in charge of all TA discussions going forward.
312will 03-Apr-19 01:56 AM
Structure ain't a bad Plan B.
To be fair, I'd chase if tomorrow were a Friday. Good luck to you gents tomorrow, hope to see some good stuff.
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 02:31 AM
Initiation starting further west is a good sign regarding the disgusting dews lol
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 05:49 AM
Pika 1
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 09:09 AM
These Reed Timmer forecasts keep getting better and better
☺ 1
Ouguy2017 03-Apr-19 09:12 AM
Sees slight risks looks at current obs map sees current dewpoints Wait, where’s the moisture....? bigthink
🏜 7
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 09:18 AM
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 09:56 AM
Well, no last minute cavalry of miracle moisture return this morning. Looks like I'm going to work today 😦
Good luck to anyone chasing. Hope that nice cell on several of the HRRR runs puts on a nice show.
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 10:23 AM
Moisture return is really bad
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 10:28 AM
Yeah I’m out
No sense in wasting my time with this
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 10:30 AM
shot at some high base hail and maybe some photo ops with DPs this low, air will be clear AF
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 10:54 AM
It was always going to be very low in the AM. If you scroll back to the very beginning of this forecast, the moisture return was at best, 18 hours long. Shallow mid-50's are going to be tough to achieve, but they overachieved a tad last time I was in OK. Morning dews started in the low-mid 40's then too.
👍 1
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 10:59 AM
Correct. The moisture return does not begin fully until 18z
If you’re down with getting good structure shots and you live close, you should be out there IMO. Especially near sunset
Aaron (Guymon, OK) 03-Apr-19 11:01 AM
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 11:02 AM
Michael moisture return will ramp after lunch but started in the mid/upper 30s in many places along the dryline setup
has a long way to go
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 11:09 AM
I mean I can make a decision after noon if I want to go or not.
I'm leaning no for sure since I have too much work to do
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 11:09 AM
Hard to pull the trigger on something like this when we are so close to bigger events
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 11:13 AM
Maybe. That is still iffy.
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 11:26 AM
Andrew - you should go
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 11:27 AM
#weatherpicofday sculpted low precip (LP) supercell rotates over wheat fields, ranches and ancient granite hills of the ancient Wichita Mountains near Roosevelt OK 3 April 2003. This long-lived beautiful storm produced baseball-sized hail over southwest Oklahoma.
Jon 03-Apr-19 11:28 AM
i cry when i see highlights blown out like that
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 11:29 AM
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 11:29 AM
I think not
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 11:29 AM
That photo needs to be inga’d
HRRR looks 2-3 F too high with Td’s in OK based on mesonet
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 12:33 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 12:47 PM
Sig hail added eh
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 12:49 PM
Nice! 💈
Shenanigans are going down in Hollis today.
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 01:06 PM
Altus AFB directly in it
That is where CAMs depict supercell activity
Conveyed that to them today.. they’re not sold (lol)
Oh well. My job is done
benr1001 03-Apr-19 01:10 PM
I enjoyed seeing all the C-17s book it out of Altus last may when the tor watch went out
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:12 PM
I've heard there are third world countries more appealing than Altus Yao
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 01:13 PM
there are some pretty neat gypsum caves down there if you are bored and not afraid of a little bit of trespassing Yao
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:14 PM
is there anything in SW OK besides illegal caves and the city of Lawton which I've heard is lovely? thonk
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 01:15 PM
The mountains are lovely
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 01:16 PM
Altus I think I would loathe
Vance or McConnell would be amaze balls
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:19 PM
If I got offered a job on McConnell I'd dig it
Vance i'm more iffy on
Idk if I'd really want to move to OK sorry @Freshgeek Yao
benr1001 03-Apr-19 01:20 PM
They have storms sometimes, so that's a plus
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:20 PM
I haven't heard many good things about OKC or Tulsa and rural OK speaks for itself
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 01:20 PM
Lemme help you
You do not want to move to Oklahoma
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:20 PM
in OKC's defense
its improved
in parts
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 01:21 PM
OKC has been improved but the state as a whole is a poorly run mess that continues to be near the bottom of every quality of life metric other than cost of living
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:22 PM
yes lol
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:23 PM
I mean to be fair I'm from the one state that's more poorly run in a lot of areas than OK Yao
Granted it's funky
Huntsville is consistently ranked as one of the top cities in America to live in (edited)
Yet it's convienently located near the northern border of the worst state to live in
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:25 PM
having driven through Alabama...birmingham looks like ass
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 01:26 PM
move to IL
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 01:26 PM
let's take this to OT
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 01:27 PM
pds 3
back on subject here
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:29 PM
Hollis is a 2.5 hr drive
Can leave here at like 2:30 and be a-ok
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 01:42 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 01:43 PM
Hollis bout to triple in population
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:45 PM
Also HRRR has storms going up at 6. Usually a bad sign when you have to wait that long in marginal environments. Not exactly a capped loaded gun here
Read: everybody chase today
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 01:45 PM
Incoming outbreak
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:46 PM
Also the HRRR has storms initiating at 4 pm so idk what he's talking about
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 01:46 PM
God damnit I knew I should’ve gone
I’d be in OK right now, reading that Stas tweet and celebrating
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 01:47 PM
Seems like what those initial storms do is weaken the cap as they move E enough for new storms to form later on and move into SW OK
ryan hearne 03-Apr-19 01:48 PM
If I leave now I’ll get to target area at 5pm🧐
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 01:58 PM
Stas lol
OKC is awesome
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 02:00 PM
Can we add a pic of stas crying to the message reactions?
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 02:01 PM
great idea!
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 02:03 PM
Has anyone invited him on here?
Syryquil 03-Apr-19 02:03 PM
I believe so
Actually no
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 02:17 PM
15-20 kt surface winds with mid-upper 50s dews in S/central TX
C'mon let's go
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 02:25 PM
looking at the models, I kinda like today for a photoshoot/large hail threat
DPs are responding better than I thought they would
shear will be enough to keep some updrafts sustained to create some large hail
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 02:26 PM
Notice there's cloud cover over the moisture source region
May keep it from mixing out a lot
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 02:34 PM
Angelo 03-Apr-19 02:35 PM
Mountain Momma look at that
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 02:35 PM
Inb4 A+++ high-based cone drops on the TX/OK border
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 02:36 PM
I'll cry
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 02:36 PM
@bo_sox48 ur message last night jinxed it
Angelo 03-Apr-19 02:36 PM
I’m all for tubes on my Twitter feed
Remember when everyone missed Dodge City 2018?
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 02:37 PM
Odds look very low for me to get out to the plains at any point this year so I will have a nice May of sadness and despair Yao
Angelo 03-Apr-19 02:37 PM
Same here
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 02:39 PM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 02:42 PM
Gosh idk where to target
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 02:42 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 02:43 PM
Your bedroom
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 02:43 PM
Yeah, okay. Let's get weird.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 02:43 PM
I mean I like the idea of a backlit supercell near the Wichitas
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 02:44 PM
Agree Andrew
not a lot of days of low DP Supercell convection down there, gonna be good photo op
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 02:46 PM
Yeah all of you with "OK" in your location should be going
It's gonna look cool
Aaron (Guymon, OK) 03-Apr-19 02:55 PM
Erm idk
I like it but don’t like it
Worth 70$ in gas?
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 02:58 PM
I can wait until 3 pm if I want (edited)
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:00 PM
What the heck are you driving that costs you $70 in gas to go 150 miles
Jon 03-Apr-19 03:00 PM
i second that question
i even looked up where guymon was
Aaron (Guymon, OK) 03-Apr-19 03:02 PM
Fill up there chase and back
I mean I have a Chevy Malibu with wonderful gas mileage
If I’m highway driving I can punch 400 miles in a tank
And money is a bit tight so
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:11 PM
Epic barber pole tornado outbreak confirmed
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 03:13 PM
he’s driving a Hummer
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:13 PM
I think he's driving a 71 Skylark to get that kind of mileage, even hummers break 10
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 03:14 PM
Man chases severe storm in military grade tank
More at 11
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 03:14 PM
I’ve always found it difficult to chase in a semi-truck but that’s just me
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 03:14 PM
You can have a spotter in the back. It has its benefits
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 03:15 PM
Save on hotels too
Then again
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:16 PM
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 03:18 PM
Storm Chasing and Basic Hygiene: An instructional guide by John Homenuk
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:18 PM
I dont understand the disgust
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:19 PM
Truck stop showers are $14, hotels are $50, pick one
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:19 PM
Yeah, if you dont shower, just cover up the smell.
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:19 PM
With more smells? It's not hard to figure out when a guy hasn't showered
Also Stas doesn't have any hair, if you have hair this strategy doesn't work
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:20 PM
So if you're on the road for a week, you plan on taking a shower every night?
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 03:20 PM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:21 PM
I shower most mornings
If I'm driving overnight I don't
But if I'm sleeping, yeah, I shower
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 03:21 PM
At least being some baby wipes or something. Not just deodorant
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 03:21 PM
Luv to shower on the road.
Wakes me up
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:22 PM
You people are crazy. I get it like after a couple of days but I dont smell putrid after one day driving in an air conditioned car
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:23 PM
Do you sleep in your car?
Alex Goldstein (NJ) 03-Apr-19 03:23 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:23 PM
I will if I need to
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:23 PM
You won't have the ac on if you're sleeping
Or maybe you will lol
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 03:23 PM
if the temps are in the 60s with a bit of wind, then I dont see the problem
but put something on the windows to not allow bugs in
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:24 PM
4 AM MCS rolls through and you get your shower whether you want it or not
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 03:24 PM
Just add soap
I’ve done that
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 03:24 PM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 03:25 PM
If nothing else, walk into a gas station and wash up with their sink
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 03:25 PM
Hot 90° day it rains take a natural shower
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 03:26 PM
Strip down and run into a field streaking or you're not XTREME
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 03:26 PM
Did that hiking and camping in the mtns.
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 03:29 PM
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 03:30 PM
Not sure about the just in time moisture next weds
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 03:34 PM
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 03:35 PM
You've seen it, I know you have
GFS shows mositure returning in time
reality? It's 12 hours late
Maybe the GOM won't get smashed as bad on this next front? If that's the case maybe we get mid 60 DPs?
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 03:39 PM
Wrong thread
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 03:40 PM
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 03:41 PM
Ohh oops
I gotta quit pulling up one thread on my phone and one on the ocmputer, shit gets confusing
wxmeddler 03-Apr-19 04:10 PM
3:09pm CDT #SPC_MD 0253 , #okwx #txwx,
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:10 PM
80% watch probs
yee 3
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:10 PM
Concerning...Severe potential...Severe Thunderstorm Watch likely
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 04:12 PM
typical KERR
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 04:12 PM
Glad I'm not going looking at the discussion for SW OK/CDS
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:14 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:16 PM
Booms for me later I hope
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:23 PM
Some storms popping up N of Amarillo
thonk 1
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 04:23 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 04:24 PM
garbage... we know which storm we are waiting on
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:24 PM
Yeah, I know, just mentioning them lol
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 04:25 PM
what if HRRR is wrong omg
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:25 PM
312will 03-Apr-19 04:37 PM
Lmao almost on cue
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:37 PM
wedges incoming
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 04:38 PM
That. is beautiful.
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:38 PM
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:38 PM
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:38 PM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 04:38 PM
What a shock
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 04:39 PM
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:39 PM
Safe to assume KFDR will go offline in the next hour or so... #murphyslaw
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 04:39 PM
Imagine that on a severe day where it actually mattered
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 04:39 PM
Good job NWS with another radar outage when its needed
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:40 PM
i wonder if they need more funding
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 04:40 PM
They might, but I think one earlier this year was planned maintenance...WTF
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:41 PM
KFDR was an inside job! Wake up SHEEPLE!
Yao 2
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:41 PM
thats what im saying! it was sabotage
for more funding
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 04:41 PM
supercells coming
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:42 PM
and ChaserTV is in on it
Trey (Tulsa OK) 03-Apr-19 04:45 PM
chasertv still around?
didn't they get bought by severe studios or something?
seems like they got bought and it went to crap pretty quickly
wxmeddler 03-Apr-19 04:48 PM
Yellow Box
A severe thunderstorm watch has been issued for parts of Oklahoma and Texas until 10 PM CDT
hypetrain 3
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:49 PM
Tennis balls wooo
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 04:49 PM
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:49 PM
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 04:50 PM
You know. this is certainly becoming a chaseable event. I wonder if that Day 3 moderate will verify anyway.
Pika 3
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:52 PM
you of all people dont deserve to talk about that
Yao 1
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 04:52 PM
SUMMARY...Scattered thunderstorms developing along the dryline in the central Texas Panhandle should slowly shift east towards western Oklahoma this evening. Large hail is the primary hazard, but severe wind gusts are possible as well. The risk for a tornado should be confined to between 7 to 10 PM CDT across the southeast portion of the watch.
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 04:53 PM
I see at least 5 STDers out there
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 04:53 PM
STDers. I like it
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:53 PM
sounds terrible
just like stds
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:53 PM
with medication
Jon 03-Apr-19 04:53 PM
@Freshgeek can rocks get STD's?
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 04:54 PM
We are not treatable
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 04:54 PM
I havent gotten one yet from a rock
wait no
I mean how would I know?
Jon 03-Apr-19 05:12 PM
is there some terrain feature or something thats causing line of dead zone from the radar that slices through everything?
wxmeddler 03-Apr-19 05:21 PM
@Jon Probably a cell tower or something.
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 05:33 PM
SVR N of Amarillo
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 05:37 PM
That little slice that missing from AMA is actually the Amarillo Airport tower
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 05:40 PM
Severe storm near Hedley, TX. #txwx
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 05:57 PM
Rotating wall cloud reported S of Borger, TX (edited)
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 05:57 PM
any streamers?
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 06:05 PM
KFDR is back up!!!
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:14 PM
So about the people that thought this would cap bust
Stas fucked up again
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:15 PM
This was never going to cap bust lol
A trough ejecting like that.. oof
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:15 PM
He needs to stop playing by rules of thumb and actually look at the setup
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:15 PM
Rules of thumb suck
Every time stas calls bust I'm chasing lol
This is a good omen for the rest of the season. EML is legit this year. Not too cooking. Low-mid 50s a year ago and this is a cloudless sky.
👆 2
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:18 PM
But is still there enough to not have a giant mass of junk convection e.g. 2015
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:19 PM
Most likely a function of drought in the EML region, but I can't help but think that we have better ambient baroclinicity (large-scale support) than recent years.. Though I have zero support
Troy4321 03-Apr-19 06:19 PM
Yeah I won’t complain with a warm EML until it becomes a problem
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 06:19 PM
Developing wall cloud near Memphis TX #txwx
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:19 PM
Those bases look lower than I thought they would today
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
Would honestly expect a tornado this evening. A definite shot of one.
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
Uh huh. Keep talking. Lol.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
Fuck lol
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
Tomorrow and Saturday will add several tornadoes each I would think.
jk not sure what we'd need to bust BA
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:20 PM
Like 24
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:21 PM
32 (edited)
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:21 PM
Well maybe more like 20. Don’t know what sigma they use for average
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:21 PM
Im trying to translate ertaf, gimme a moment lol
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
Are we in last weeks week 1? I forget.
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
goddamit, wait lol
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
lmao well then yeah we're hitting BA no matter what unless tomorrow and Saturday produce like 12 tornadoes each
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
I hate the table they use
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
For average?