stormtrack discord
359 messages
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:22 PM
its very hard to read
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 06:23 PM
23 is dead average. Wonder what the plus or minus would be.
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:23 PM
Yeah, thats based on climo
Troy4321 03-Apr-19 06:26 PM
But thatโ€™s not a good way of doing it the distribution of tornadoes on a small temporal scale like a week is completely useless IMO just like precip you canโ€™t take climo and statistics on a week or less time period
312will 03-Apr-19 06:26 PM
Beautiful structure near Memphis, TX #txwx
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 06:27 PM
hope he brought friends
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:28 PM
You meanies talked me out of chasing
Actually that was the fb group
But still
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:28 PM
you're not missing much, even if it produces a tornado. You think there won't be 10+ more of these types of marginal supercell days (even if it does overperform?)
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:29 PM
I want all of them though
And this stupid pos has nice inflow
It's gonna do it
And probably not just wrap up immediately either
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:29 PM
Eh I still have my doubts about tornadoes
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:29 PM
Imagine one coming from that though
Is it not worth a shot?
I'm gonna go cry
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:30 PM
14 hour drive? nah fam lol
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:30 PM
I miss 14 hour drives lol
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:30 PM
5 and I was annoyed lol
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:30 PM
I also am not regretting passing on today (edited)
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:31 PM
that passive voice bruh
Garrod 03-Apr-19 06:31 PM
I would have been all over that if I lived in OKC lol
๐Ÿ‘† 3
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:31 PM
Passive voice AF lol
Yeah if I was still an undergrad student i woulda been out there. just because
Shit even if I was off here I'd probably have gone. Marginal AF but still
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:32 PM
Watch it drop a big tube now
Hook forming
312will 03-Apr-19 06:34 PM
Getting itโ€™s act together somewhat. Looking West #txwx
Forgot Discord doesn't do multiple pics in a tweet.
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:35 PM
Even though I wish I was out there I'm cheering hard for this system.
A year that doesn't bust bad at every corner would be a big welcomed change of pace for the 2010s.. I'm feeling overly positive right now. Supercell season is legit back.
312will 03-Apr-19 06:37 PM
Is it the forcing or the EML (or both) allowing low 50s Td to go like this? Something else? I wouldn't normally have expected this without mid 60F+ Td off the Caprock.
East of Memphis, TX about 2 miles #txwx 5:30pm @NWSLubbock
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 06:38 PM
stoked for whoever went out there
@Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) I hope you listened to me ๐Ÿ˜„
Yao 2
Jon 03-Apr-19 06:39 PM
i got afk for like an hour and come back to a nice juicy couplet
lol no way, hrrr stuck gold
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:39 PM
I did not
I have too much work
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 06:39 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:40 PM
Both Will
๐Ÿ‘Œ 1
312will 03-Apr-19 06:40 PM
Gorgeous severe storm over Memphis, TX. #txwx
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:40 PM
Would have to run stats to compare EML mean temperature (potential temperature) vs mean for the last few years to get a better idea. Complex study
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 06:41 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 06:41 PM
But the forcing, which is tied to baroclinicity just "seems" better. These are pretty nice jets/waves we've been getting.
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:41 PM
There's something stupid going on, that sounds good enough to me
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:47 PM
Man low 60s dews and we'd have a big tornado out of that
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 06:47 PM
Might end up with one anyway if there's any semblance of an LLJ later
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 06:47 PM
Hell maybe even upper 50s
Stebo 03-Apr-19 06:48 PM
nice looking storm
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 06:51 PM
Looking quite interesting
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:55 PM
This MFer is going to make me regret not going out today, isn't it?
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 06:55 PM
Jon 03-Apr-19 06:56 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 06:56 PM
312will 03-Apr-19 06:56 PM
Lmao @Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) (edited)
structurewithfriends 2
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 06:57 PM
Was that video as blurry as it looked on my end after it posted
312will 03-Apr-19 06:58 PM
@Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) I saw it as a jpg not video
Jon 03-Apr-19 06:59 PM
boringggg give us funnel at least
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 06:59 PM
There's been 2 brief funnels iirc
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 07:02 PM
ohwow 7
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:02 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:02 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:02 PM
nice work Ryan
312will 03-Apr-19 07:05 PM
Love it, well done @Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX). I now have all the FOMO. Beautiful storm, great pic.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:09 PM
That couplet, yeah we'd be seeing this thing drop a mean sucker of a tornado with less low level capping/better dews
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:10 PM
Ok...I have regrets
Troy4321 03-Apr-19 07:10 PM
Me too
Not that it was possible for me
Stebo 03-Apr-19 07:11 PM
you could almost see it spinning even tho that is a still image
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:11 PM
at about 330 today my boss was like "shit we shouldve chased"
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:12 PM
Lol stephen I just said the literal same thing
"when you can see the rotation in a still image >>>>"
that is oofly
Stebo 03-Apr-19 07:12 PM
just getting me pumped for may
Garrod 03-Apr-19 07:12 PM
just seeing how green the panhandle is gets the noggin jogging for some late May shenanigans
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:13 PM
And yeah this speaks to good potential later on
Everything is so moist
312will 03-Apr-19 07:14 PM
I walked out of a meeting to leave, but got pulled aside for 30 minutes to discuss our Sunday crawfish boil, so after that was nahhh what could possibly happen that I won't mind missing?
harold 3
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:14 PM
KFDR down?
wxmeddler 03-Apr-19 07:14 PM
Was earlier
Stebo 03-Apr-19 07:15 PM
"Everything is so moist" that is too easy to make a joke ๐Ÿ˜‚
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:15 PM
Duncan Hines Moist
312will 03-Apr-19 07:17 PM
Speechless. 6:15 p.m. #txwx #okwx
omg 7
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:18 PM
really is a nice looking storm
@Freshgeek should be upset he didnt drive over there
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:18 PM
I am
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:18 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:18 PM
we have been saying barber poles n structure for 2 days now
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:18 PM
Thankfully I'll get many more chances this year
I wouldn't be able to convince my manager to let head out for this anyway
312will 03-Apr-19 07:19 PM
Best part for those out there today: It's a low end slight risk on a Tuesday in April, which means you don't have to fight the OKC Horde that will show up in May.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:19 PM
Nice very nice.
Epic to see that there.
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:19 PM
I'll use this PTO for may/june
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:20 PM
@Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) Don't skip the structure with friends LP days. I learned that back in 2017 Yao
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:20 PM
nice leisurly chase speeds too
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 07:21 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:21 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 07:21 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:22 PM
Lol why did you do that?
312will 03-Apr-19 07:22 PM
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:22 PM
@Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) how
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:23 PM
Mark Drees is Streaming
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:23 PM
West of Hollis, OK now 6:19pm #okwx
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:23 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:23 PM
holy mother
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:24 PM
Brb, drinking bleach
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:24 PM
@Freshgeek maybe you can see the anvil from your parking lot
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:24 PM
John Homenuk (New York, NY) 03-Apr-19 07:24 PM
God damnit
312will 03-Apr-19 07:24 PM
oof 8
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:25 PM
If it makes y'all feel better I'm mad I'm not out there and I'm in fucking Dixie Yao Yao Yao
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:25 PM
that ultrawide angle makes it look insane
Stebo 03-Apr-19 07:26 PM
lovely storm
i wish i was out there
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:28 PM
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 07:29 PM
Awesome storm. Exceeding the top end of where I thought this day would go. Give the HRRR some props as well.
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:30 PM
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 07:30 PM
Hating that I'm not out grabbing a sweet lapse of that thing, but hopefully this bodes well for similar and better setups in the very near future
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:30 PM
HRRR nailed this storm tbh
312will 03-Apr-19 07:30 PM
Wes out here rubbing it in our face
Watching this whole storm rotate is just incredible!! This is why we chase!! #txwx #okwx
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:31 PM
This is going to be one of those days where when somebody asks "Hey remember 4/3/2019" you'll get the majority of the sever saying shut the fuck up Yao
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:31 PM
not if it doesnt tornado
Jon 03-Apr-19 07:32 PM
im on team #notornado
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:33 PM
Eh I won't be even though I could've been there.
It's a nice supercell for sure but there are bigger fish to fry
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 07:36 PM
Still makes me feel like shit @Jdbeesonwx
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:36 PM
Days like Chapman are the ones that tick me off
๐Ÿ’ฏ 1
Garrod 03-Apr-19 07:36 PM
yeah still salty about that one
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:37 PM
I'm on team TORNADO
๐Ÿ‘Œ 1
Let's have the best year we can have.. there or not
Garrod 03-Apr-19 07:37 PM
Chapman day hopefully will remain my worst bust, I don't know if I could take another one of those
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:37 PM
Man.. 2016.. what could've been had I had a car and money
Jon 03-Apr-19 07:38 PM
hm. that statement of brandon's might convince me to become team tornado.. hm
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:38 PM
yup feeling stupid for not getting out there today
shouldve pushed my boss harder to actually consider going
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 07:41 PM
Itโ€™s hurts looking at that
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 07:46 PM
Don't let that pent up SDS get to you. There were plenty of smart reasons not to go out today. We knew beautiful structure was quite possible. But a Wednesday for structure is pretty expensive if your vacation/coworker limited.
That said if this thing drops a photogenic tor then I will eat my hat. or my cat. or whatever else is in forking distance.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:48 PM
I think there's too much low level CINH for it to produce a tor
BL is more stable further E
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:49 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:49 PM
Only 66 F at Altus
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:49 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 07:49 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:49 PM
its getting even better lookign
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
Thatโ€™s nice
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
Reed has Jay Leno in the Dominator?
Jon 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
haha yea just saw that too
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
That's actually amazing
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
Dominator 3 moving in for intercept with Jay Leno behind the wheel @SeanSchofer @curtisbrooks80 @accuweather
Jon 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
that just made today incredibly more interesting
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 07:50 PM
well boys
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:51 PM
Storm Chaser Kyle Guthrie 6:37pm 14miles south of Hollis, Oklahoma #okwx #texomawx @MBohlingwx @NWSNorman
Regrets ๐Ÿ“ˆ
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:54 PM
Looking better
monsoonman1 03-Apr-19 07:55 PM
someone go core that for science
Stebo 03-Apr-19 07:55 PM
Jay Leno just got cooler in my book, not that he wasn't already cool.
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:55 PM
we would be coring the shit out of that right now
actually for science
our impact plates arent ready to go yet though
but still
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:56 PM
A=oh yes
I gotta try that John one time. If you guys don't mind. I don't want to take my truck.
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:57 PM
of course lol
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:57 PM
fun fun fun
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:57 PM
see our truck doing what its designed for
and not dying on a barrier island Yao
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:57 PM
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
312will 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
Structure is happening #txwx
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
A Bill & Ted Excellent!
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:58 PM
Tornado threat probably over.
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 07:59 PM
yea its definitely moving into the CIHN now
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 07:59 PM
but shit that is a quality chase.
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 07:59 PM
Stunning cell
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 07:59 PM
Can we get Mike Trout in the Dominator
I'm sure he would love it
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Problem is baseball season = tornado season
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
someone should get him on discord
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Would love that
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
The lightning strikes way downstream form the anvil are pretty darn cool
Jim Tang 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Not in March #32807
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Tbf baseball season = every season except winter
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
If they're playing the Rangers though
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
Baseball and tornado talk are you kidding me.
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
They're in the same division
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:00 PM
baseball sucks ass
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
kicks ass i agree
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
Lemme take my mans Patty Mills on a storm chase tho
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
basketball isnt any better
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
November tornado season, because the angels will never make the world series, and baseball doesn't suck.
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
u know nothing jon durr
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
basketball outside of march madness, does suck tho
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
the only thing most sports have over baseball is the duration
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:01 PM
oh what is that on the right?
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 08:02 PM
The only entertaining NBA game I've ever seen was 2016 finals game 7 @Stebo
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
My problem with basketball is the lack of parity
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
What about malice in the palace?
That was a fun game to watch
Jim Tang 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
See how many dynasties there have been in basketball
Or near dynasties
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
why yall talking about basketball in here?
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:04 PM
Yep andy
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 08:05 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:05 PM
and I hate Basketball
Stebo 03-Apr-19 08:05 PM
Brandon started it ๐Ÿ˜‚
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:05 PM
To distract from my failings today
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:05 PM
Nice inflow on that
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:06 PM
6:57 p.m. #okwx #txwx
christ on a me
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:06 PM
nice pose on that cell. lol
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:06 PM
just do the tor already
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:11 PM
I double dog dare you to Tor!
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 08:16 PM
F5 incoming
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:17 PM
nothing is coming (edited)
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 08:17 PM
Best bet is to be an NFL player and weather enthusiast. The off season lines up perfectly
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:17 PM
850's still progged to climb 15 more kt in the vicinity per HRRR over the next 1-2 hours (02z)
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 08:17 PM
You just gotta believe @Jon
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:17 PM
look at radar and say you believe
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:18 PM
That being said, things should be pinching off at the surface right about now too.
Window is closing fast. (edited)
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:18 PM
๐Ÿ‘ 1
so boxy
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:19 PM
now or never
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:19 PM
"Inflow gust of 57 mph reported" Yikes.
There's a tripod salute moment.
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 08:19 PM
oh man it looks like it wants to
damnit he had to move again
Garrod 03-Apr-19 08:20 PM
Yao 2
Jon 03-Apr-19 08:20 PM
nono any way but forward onto the glass (edited)
Garrod 03-Apr-19 08:20 PM
sun shade saved the glass
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 08:21 PM
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 08:25 PM
Welcome to Oklahoma. Approaching Eldorado at 7:21 p.m. #okwx @NWSNorman
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:41 PM
Real Instability โ„ข season
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:48 PM
I think today overachieved or at least met expectations. This is a very good sign for the rest of April. Just my crystal ballin'.
Yao 1
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 08:48 PM
Rock solid updraft
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 08:49 PM
Real instabilities of Oklahoma Counties (edited)
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:49 PM
I think if dews look a few points low, CAP seems too big, and HRRR is convecting. Chase it.
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 08:49 PM
New show coming to the weather channel
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 08:50 PM
For this month anyway. last year i don't think this setup even produces clouds.
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:55 PM
I sure hope Altus AFB heeded ny advice today, otherwise some major damage is on the way
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 08:56 PM
What did you tell them? Or did you just go cored
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 08:57 PM
Narrator: they probably didnโ€™t
Told them CAMs were showing high confidence of discrete supercells impacting their area.
Among other stuff
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 09:00 PM
Timmer is just a sideshow act anymore. He doesn't do research; he is just a celebrity, and that is the only cred he has anymore. I bet he hasn't done one useful thing with his PhD.
Duda getting feisty
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 09:00 PM
South side of storm. 7:50 p.m. #okwx
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 09:01 PM
Lol Duda
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:02 PM
Yeah wtf... who cares
Sounds like u jelly of his wild success
Whatโ€™s his net worth? Whatever it is he is self made. Mad props.
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 09:04 PM
I donโ€™t think timmer really advertises himself as a scientific researcher so w/e
People are allowed to be popular
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:05 PM
He really just trolls these days. Thatโ€™s the life
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:05 PM
but the rockets for science data
and the sensors
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:05 PM
Estimated net worth of 250 K. Man if I could achieve that by chasing
readyletsgo 03-Apr-19 09:05 PM
Yeah he kinda is the exception though
Thatโ€™s not realistic. Kinda a right place right time thing for him
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:06 PM
Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m saying
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:11 PM
duda's twitter looks more political than it did the last time i remember looking at it like a year ago
Troy4321 03-Apr-19 09:12 PM
Yeah Iโ€™m not a huge fan of politics really ruins twitter for me
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:13 PM
i just followed him again.. and then unfollowed after scrolling down
sorry Duda
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:14 PM
i dont understand everyones giant aversion to politics. you gotta be in the mood to handle the amount of bullshit spewed from both sides, but thats it imo
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:15 PM
lol yeah the aversion to politics is exactly what is wrong
But I'm not finna get banned
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:16 PM
yo does anyone have any idea why the velocity data has been such crap on this storm? theres no storms b/w it and the radar and the hail is downstream of the beam
i remember a thing where sometimes the beam thought it was reading data at lets say.. 2,000 feet but the beam like.. refracted or something? further up in elevation and returned something from 4,000 feet (edited)
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 09:17 PM
I was assuming it's because it's not a tornadic storm lol
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:18 PM
That's sidelobe contamination
And due to the presence of tons of hailstones aloft
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:20 PM
so the TLDR version would be that velocity scans can get FUBAR due to storm w. a lot of hail? (edited)
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:21 PM
a lobe in the vertical may hit hail or other dense particles aloft (but thinks it is in the low levels) and it will read those higher level winds as low level winds
But yeah it shits all over the velocity data
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:21 PM
this is def one of the worst velocity scans in terms of FUBARness
BJC9533 03-Apr-19 09:21 PM
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 09:22 PM
Pilger and el reno right there
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:22 PM
so.. operationally when this happens.. you would have to rely on other products to infer a potential tornado?
i kept looking at zdr to see if it did that size sorting thing along the inflow and ofc looking at reflectivity
312will 03-Apr-19 09:27 PM
Elmer 2.0 Light
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 09:34 PM
Real talk does he ever do anything except complain? Yao
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:34 PM
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 09:35 PM
Duda Yao
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:35 PM
might be accurate
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:35 PM
yea prolly not
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 09:35 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:36 PM
Ryan you got pics of that windshield yet?
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 09:36 PM
yes back on topic of cored
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:37 PM
like insane off topic lol
can imagine why since it was just one cell lol
Jdbeesonwx 03-Apr-19 09:37 PM
It's so off topic we're getting off topic talking about how off topic it is
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:37 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 09:39 PM
seanbarg 03-Apr-19 09:39 PM
wow damn
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 09:39 PM
Got some leakage on the top one๐Ÿคฃ
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 09:40 PM
Lots of cored today lol
ThunderRolls 03-Apr-19 09:43 PM
any good structure?
looks like a ton of guys got cored
453Braxton 03-Apr-19 09:45 PM
Yeah, great structure
South side of storm. 7:50 p.m. #okwx
ThunderRolls 03-Apr-19 09:47 PM
Ryan Darr (McKinney, TX) 03-Apr-19 09:49 PM
So hrrr nailed it again
Nkrietz23 (Portage MI) 03-Apr-19 09:49 PM
Yes yes it did
Jon 03-Apr-19 09:49 PM
+1 to hrrrr
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 09:49 PM
is it the hrrr seems to get it on these smaller events?
bo_sox48 03-Apr-19 09:54 PM
Every CAM nailed it
And they were all in agreement from the outset
Adam Reagan (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 10:04 PM
Jim Martin 03-Apr-19 10:04 PM
Two thumbs up @Adam Reagan (Norman, OK) ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
yt-ScienceOutThere 03-Apr-19 10:06 PM
Freshgeek 03-Apr-19 10:07 PM
Great photos Adam!
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 03-Apr-19 10:24 PM
Damn Adam! Nice really good!...
312will 03-Apr-19 10:33 PM
@Adam Reagan (Norman, OK) ๐Ÿ’ฏ
I wore out my camera tonight. Wow. #supercell #okwx #koco5 #StormHour
Adam Reagan (Norman, OK) 03-Apr-19 10:53 PM
Thanks guys ๐Ÿ˜€
dab 12
dab2 12
Mike Maโ˜ˆz (Minneapolis, MN) 03-Apr-19 10:53 PM
today's supercell was definitely well documented
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 10:53 PM
needs some sup lapse!
Stephen Henry (ABQ, NM) 03-Apr-19 11:57 PM
For posterity on this day: the HRRR's UH model trend performance vs radar. We can all watch this later this year when the HRRR is out to lunch and reminisce about the good ol days.
๐Ÿ‘ 6
yt-ScienceOutThere 04-Apr-19 01:35 AM
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 04-Apr-19 07:37 AM
??? Have to login. No fun.
yt-ScienceOutThere 04-Apr-19 12:18 PM
well shoot