Knowing my luck some epic hailer will rake dfw early am and I’ll be exhausted the whole day Saturday working a tornado outbreak lol time to buy a case of energy drinks tonight
Nick Isabella12-Apr-19 07:43 AM
@John Choquette (Edmond, OK) Goodluck dude
John Choquette (Edmond, OK)12-Apr-19 07:45 AM
Thanks lol fingers crossed next week keeps trending west so we can actually chase
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:07 PM
Jon12-Apr-19 01:07 PM
Sean go chase
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:09 PM
fixing to head out to that 2%
bo_sox4812-Apr-19 01:09 PM
Dimmitt 2.0 incoming
Only further south
How is texas so damn big
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:09 PM
probably will tbh
Jdbeesonwx12-Apr-19 01:09 PM
go for the 5%
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:09 PM
1.5 hour drive to that 2% from here
Jdbeesonwx12-Apr-19 01:09 PM
go big or go home
1.5 hour drive to that???
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:10 PM
roughly yea
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:10 PM
that deosnt seem THAT far
Jdbeesonwx12-Apr-19 01:10 PM
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:10 PM
i guess you could get there another route in 1 hour
but im going NW
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:10 PM
sean is going to get the tor of the year
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:11 PM
too bad the show doesnt start until like 3AM
bo_sox4812-Apr-19 01:11 PM
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:13 PM
gees jsut austin to llano is an hour and a half
it doens look that long either on a map
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:14 PM
yea i'll be camping at that big lake next to llano
maybe i can nab a lakeside waterspout at daybreak tomorrow
as i run for cover
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:14 PM
an hour and a half could put me to rockford, La crosse, Appleton, and about brookfield
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:15 PM
52000 people in that 5% and most of em are in Del Rio lol
There ain't shit out there in the Hill Country
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:15 PM
yea next largest would be Junction
overall super rural
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:16 PM
Rocksprings got hit by an F5 back in 1927
Which is insane when you consider how far south that is
Jon12-Apr-19 01:16 PM
You could say it got..rocked
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:16 PM
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:16 PM
i was thinking springed myself
Jon12-Apr-19 01:17 PM
I’m on a roll with bad rock humor because of Jacob
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:17 PM
rocksprings is so tiny i imagine it wiped the town
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:17 PM
hey jsut like our rock springs
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:17 PM
Destroyed 235 of 247 buildings
Killed 74 people
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:17 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:17 PM
It was an incredible event
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:17 PM
wow i hadnt heard of that one before
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:18 PM
thats wierd
it happened on thsi date in 1927
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:18 PM
It killed 1/3 of the town's population
And basically maimed the rest
Jon12-Apr-19 01:18 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:20 PM
I mean there have been some extremely violent tornadoes in S TX before
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:20 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:20 PM
There was one 6/1/1990 in Bakersfield Valley
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:20 PM
bakersfield valley
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:20 PM
Loyal Valley
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:20 PM
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:20 PM
Which is close to there as well
Weathernerd64512-Apr-19 01:20 PM
valley mills
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 01:21 PM
Basically Rocksprings is what happens when one of those suckers hits a town
Stebo12-Apr-19 01:21 PM
i got one
seanbarg12-Apr-19 01:21 PM
Loyal Valley was a neat one
Stebo12-Apr-19 01:21 PM
and its a year i been saying for a while
eagle pass
and that was only a 3
the dangerous part about stuff down along the rio grande is that warnings get missed by a lot or get lost in translation
Yeah I’m sure some where is going to get a nice supercell tonight just going to be very isolated
Jdbeesonwx12-Apr-19 06:31 PM
@Caitlin Kelly wanna buy tickets to TX right now and meet up there??
Caitlin Kelly12-Apr-19 06:32 PM
Sure, fly me out
Andrew Berrington (Norman, OK)12-Apr-19 06:38 PM
That sounding is nasty af
bo_sox4812-Apr-19 06:56 PM
Isn't it just tomorrow before tomorrow?
Same prognosis, different day
312will12-Apr-19 07:07 PM
Oh man. I regret making a commitment in spring. This will be two events I’ll have missed.
bo_sox4812-Apr-19 07:07 PM
Are you going to be awake for it?
312will12-Apr-19 07:09 PM
I’ll be in Baltimore. Otherwise, I’d be driving out right now.
Jdbeesonwx12-Apr-19 09:40 PM
Do I wanna stay up until 2 a.m to radar watch this or nah
Kevin Bente (Huntsville, AL)12-Apr-19 09:48 PM
@Jdbeesonwx probably not chief
312will12-Apr-19 11:08 PM
Side West Texas and Panhandles bonus: This will be a good soaking rain for areas that need it, and will help provide moisture for future, further west systems for areas that we all like to chase in.
Freshgeek12-Apr-19 11:09 PM
Drier than normal conditions started popping up this week, so it will be nice to kill it now(edited)
Stebo12-Apr-19 11:11 PM
yeah that is going to be good for May, that is a ton of precip