Morphtato 12-Mar-20 01:17 PM
GrayGhost 12-Mar-20 01:19 PM
You know how frustrating it is to have seen this on Saturday, but knowing you were going to have to work that day?
Chris Maupin 12-Mar-20 03:29 PM
Wait until the soundings tonight I bet it expands eastward a bit
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 12-Mar-20 03:38 PM
Fort Stockton 5%, you know what that means
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 12-Mar-20 03:49 PM
oh yeah, tomorrow looks real good.
Tristan White (North AL) 12-Mar-20 03:55 PM
sheislisamarie 12-Mar-20 09:35 PM
Urge to drive 6-7 hours for this is very high.
I'm banking on @Chris Maupin 's comment and hoping they move eastward to spare me some drive time.
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX) 12-Mar-20 09:38 PM
Just wait. It'll be a 2% at 13z.
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michael beard (fort worth) 12-Mar-20 09:57 PM
Yes.......go to the desert and chase. Be one with the sand stone.
jeffmangum 12-Mar-20 11:33 PM
Considering a drive from Austin as well. Struck gold in Fort Stockton last year. Driving west beckons me
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AverageBreh 12-Mar-20 11:59 PM
This is inspiring to me.
Chris Maupin 13-Mar-20 12:47 AM
yeah I might have to chase tomorrow.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 13-Mar-20 02:58 AM
It's already started guys
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GrayGhost 13-Mar-20 04:05 AM
Fort Stockton is definitely on my list when I can eventually swing it.
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 06:18 AM
Fort Stockton even in the day 3 marginal now as well #FortStocktoning needs to be a trend
benr1001 13-Mar-20 11:15 AM
I drove through there on my way back from big bend yesterday
Shoulda spent an extra night
Morphtato 13-Mar-20 11:41 AM
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 11:47 AM
Let's go
sheislisamarie 13-Mar-20 11:55 AM
I left Austin at 9:45 and should be to Ft Stockton by 3:45. Glad I took a chance!
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<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 11:57 AM
Get a wedge!!!!!!!!
WarmSector 13-Mar-20 12:29 PM
I am almost at Ft Stockton :)! This might be a awesome birthday gift for me. lol
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 13-Mar-20 12:32 PM
@sheislisamarie Nice and welcome to 2020 chase season. Good Luck!
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jeffmangum 13-Mar-20 12:47 PM
I’ll get to Crane around 4-4:15. Could be a fun day - good luck to those chasing out there
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 13-Mar-20 12:52 PM
Yeah watch out for that Hail, oh Hail no...
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 01:46 PM
Hella hail
sheislisamarie 13-Mar-20 01:46 PM
I’m targeting Crane, too, @jeffmangum . See you there!
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 13-Mar-20 02:06 PM
Well Gavan and others today are out in W TX. Hope they get something.
Morphtato 13-Mar-20 03:25 PM
TOA #49 out... 60/30 TOR probs
benr1001 13-Mar-20 03:33 PM
Man I straight up just went the opposite direction
Not making that drive again
Morphtato 13-Mar-20 05:33 PM
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 08:06 PM
Hoping someone got a tube here tonight
Would be an epic start to 2020
WarmSector 13-Mar-20 10:39 PM
I Caught my first Birthday Tornado!!
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<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> γƒœγƒ– 13-Mar-20 10:58 PM
Not too bad for a birthday tornado
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 13-Mar-20 11:28 PM
Congratulations man!
WarmSector 13-Mar-20 11:30 PM
Thanks πŸ™‚
sheislisamarie 13-Mar-20 11:47 PM
I got most of the beginning of the storm near Loving and tried to cut East to chase it but got caught in some incident on the only E/W corridor for a looooong time. Ended up heading along I-20 with the storm that went straight for Monahans. I still never saw anything because of how dark it was. Today was supposed to be my day! :/ 13 hours of driving and I saw a lot of crazy stuff, but never any of the actual tornadoes.
I think I got the very beginnings of a tornado on the Loving storm right before it got warned
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sheislisamarie 14-Mar-20 09:59 PM
A few dashcam screen grabs of the southern cell that tracked I-20 eastbound into Monahans.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 14-Mar-20 10:12 PM
@sheislisamarie hey, thank you for sharing. Yeah, looking over things I can see maybe lapse rates weren’t robust as showed on soundings. Also heard the tops weren’t as high. This what you get on those days. Did you get caught up in a chaser convergence? Hate to ask what was the crazy stuff? Thank you again for your input and pictures.
sheislisamarie 14-Mar-20 10:14 PM
Nope, no big chaser convergence. Certainly a handful of others doing the same that I was, but it wasn't too much. I have a dashcam video I'm outputting now of the northern storm that hit the RV park. I couldn't spot the tornado but I think it's captured in the video. I'll post a link to it here in case anybody else can spot what I'm missing.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 14-Mar-20 10:24 PM
Thanks again! Can’t wait to look it over.
sheislisamarie 14-Mar-20 10:36 PM
Here's the link, @Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) . I'll also share it to the videos section!
Dash cam footage of the tornado warned storm near Orle, TX, on March 13, 2020. This is the cell that hit the Hwy 285 RV Park. The video starts off with me heading southeast on 285 toward Pecos for helping get your bearings on the storm. I then turn left and start heading NE on...
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 14-Mar-20 10:41 PM
Wow you’re quick!
sheislisamarie 14-Mar-20 10:44 PM
I'm still riding that adrenaline rush from yesterday πŸ™ƒ
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 14-Mar-20 10:59 PM
Yeah I just watched half of it. Nice job tracking it. You have been watching and listening. We’ve got a good chaser. Ok, you had a nice wall cloud and funnel. You can really see that inflow in the beginning of the video. That RFD cut wasn’t as clean cut. Seemed broad-and weak? Then it tries to recycle and reform. Looks like you were south or south west of it. Have to watch the rest later. So far that’s what I’m seeing. Others can chime in.
sheislisamarie 14-Mar-20 11:03 PM
Thanks for the info, Glen!