AverageBreh 16-Mar-20 01:29 AM
Chris Maupin 16-Mar-20 09:32 AM
benr1001 16-Mar-20 11:47 AM
Trending a little late in the evening and hodos look funky but it could work
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 16-Mar-20 11:52 AM
it's Just to early, wait for it. 16-Mar-20 08:11 PM
Where is the love for March 18th
453Braxton 16-Mar-20 09:46 PM
Yeah, March 18th needs some love too lol (edited)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-Mar-20 02:25 AM
broke my heart
I'd be pleasently surprised if it just really pays off. I'm talking long lived tube. not a 2 minute and thank you I'm done.
Ya, just had to do it. Soon as I say that. I turn around and check the SPC. Dang you Gleason.
Severe weather, tornado, thunderstorm, fire weather, storm report, tornado watch, severe thunderstorm watch, mesoscale discussion, convective outlook products from the Storm Prediction Center.
Well SPC yep it goes Linear and Nightime.
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> ボブ 17-Mar-20 09:59 AM
Seems like a trend this year tbh
At this point we gotta pray for March 18th, enhanced for wind, I want discrete, Linear is old news
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> ボブ 17-Mar-20 10:27 AM
Meanwhile in Hawaii
453Braxton 17-Mar-20 10:32 AM
Marginal setups can be messy and especially difficult to assess using composite parameters. Using our ~hodo-vision~, we now see a weak tornado potential straddling the warm front, with a more splitting-supercell mode capable of marginal hail near the dryline.
Chris Maupin 17-Mar-20 10:39 AM
@<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> ボブ Please don't take this the wrong way. I get you're excited, and you should stay stoked. But you're clearly inexperienced, especially with respect to the dynamical and thermodynamic aspects. Please stop making claims and comments like the one above. We have not seen exceptional linear-dominated convective modes yet this spring. Shear aloft has remained too strong to support full MCS type atmospheric overturning.
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> ボブ 17-Mar-20 12:15 PM
@Chris Maupin Yeah lol, my bad, I did that off a whim, no problemo
And I wasn't referring specifically to this spring, mainly the high shear lowcape winter events, which did have some semi-discrete/rather discrete convective activity but in Terms of January's event
<<𝕭𝖔𝖇>> ボブ 17-Mar-20 12:25 PM
Real weather Weenie Moment on my part Chris, no worries at all, you guys are much more experienced, as I stated i just got this role so I'm looking for constructive criticism. Thank you for pointing that out so I learn! 👍 If you got any good sources, especially for MCS, linear storm modes etc let me know, those are by far my weakest spot right now, and anything thermo related (edited)