@NWStulsa Images of possible tornado damage near County Line Rd and E 101st St in Broken Arrow, OK
(Was given permission by family to post photos)
@wabby106 @CameronJNixon
#okwx #Tornado #Oklahoma
Morphtato28-Dec-19 06:49 PM
Starting to wrap this up.
Here is the 00Z RAOB from SGF mentioned in the discussion.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 06:58 PM
Damn look at those helicity values
All to be shunted by VBV
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:01 PM
lol, man the shear. 500+
Morphtato28-Dec-19 07:02 PM
Of course after I post this, a TOR is issued
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:03 PM
did IA troll? lol
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:03 PM
Morphtato28-Dec-19 07:03 PM
Nah, still MO.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:03 PM
Those LRs are still traaassshhh
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:04 PM
well I called F. Stockton. lol, for shits and giggles.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:04 PM
Shear is doing all the work
You’re never wrong to call Ft. Stockton haha
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:04 PM
5.3 not gonna get it done. It's still trying.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:05 PM
Has the EL been that low all day?
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:05 PM
no idea, just got on.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:05 PM
Dude I was all over it this morning
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:05 PM
Kink in the line there
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:05 PM
oh yeah
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:06 PM
Made a couple calls that didn’t pan out, but my TA this morning was Tulsa area so I nailed that
Gotta learn any chance possible, even with grungey QLCS messes
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:07 PM
You on the road?(edited)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:07 PM
we might ave a CC drop?
Jonny u and treft going out tomorrow?
Morphtato28-Dec-19 07:08 PM
It's weak, but possibly.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:08 PM
No, just chasing from home
And no lol
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:08 PM
I'm getting Jack and Crap.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:08 PM
I have family party anyways
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:08 PM
No CC drop
Negative on the ZDR column as well.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:09 PM
We’ll know more on the next scan
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:09 PM
I dunno?
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Idk don’t think it dropped enough but something is going on there
monsoonman128-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Pretty likely a brief TDS
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Composite looks a little gnarlier, but the BV is showing a hooky little chunk of the line, with a couplet, but no nearby ZDR column, no donut.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Dragon's fart
Morphtato28-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:10 PM
Btw I’d be surprised if tomorrow produced anything other than PDS rain
In my area
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:11 PM
I would to. We're getting nothing.
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:12 PM
My best guess is that tor may have caused minor damage. That small drop coincides with the track of the couplet
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:12 PM
Jonny Glessner28-Dec-19 07:13 PM
That looks like a TDS to me
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:13 PM
to be fair thought only a 84% drop in signal.
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:13 PM
TOR's been renewed.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:14 PM
my faith has been renewed. lol
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:15 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:16 PM
maybe something on 2 scans. But still that's weaksauce.
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:16 PM
Blip so far.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:16 PM
notice the red dot correlation.(edited)
Morphtato28-Dec-19 07:17 PM
Yeah, if it was anything it was absolutely weak.
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:17 PM
Thing looks gnar on composite, tho
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:17 PM
yeah gr looks better.
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:18 PM
LOL, that is GR. I found the composite setting in GRL3.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:19 PM
no wind reports so far? just that house?
AverageBreh28-Dec-19 07:19 PM
They keep updating that TOR, about every 5 minutes. They think something's there.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)28-Dec-19 07:20 PM
did you update the velocity with every new warning?
My day: cactus shopping, puppy petting, Whataburgering, and QLCS tornado watching all 20 minutes from my second home. #casualsaturday
(Damage ~101st and 105th in SE Broken Arrow @NWStulsa)