sufficient shear, very high cape in a capped dryline environment indicates discrete supercell development in the mid afternoon
Risk for tomorrow has certainly increased and continues to do so as the models trend towards a higher shear environment. Anticipating a couple or few isolated, very powerful supercells developing in NC Texas up to S OK
Cameron (Fortson, GA)21-Apr-20 01:50 PM
Cap is strong, depends on how much destablization you get
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 01:50 PM
The stronger cap is offset by steep low level lapse rates
and the instability which is why I'm favoring discrete development
If the CAPE values north of 5000 verify, there's almost zero chance we're looking at a blue sky bust
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK)21-Apr-20 01:51 PM
I am disappointed that there is no 4/21/2020. lol.(edited)
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 01:51 PM
Today is a fairly low risk day mike
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK)21-Apr-20 01:51 PM
Jk jk. I think we have a good discussion going on in #chaser-discussion about that anyhow
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 01:51 PM
yeah was thinking the same
It remains yet to be seen whether the extreme CAPE verifies or not but if it does, watch out
Cameron (Fortson, GA)21-Apr-20 01:52 PM
FWIW HRRR does throw a few embedded/semi-discrete supercells, but initiates convection rather relatively early in the day
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 01:53 PM
@Cameron (Fortson, GA) the HRRR is anticipating an MCS developing in the late morning hours ahead of the dryline, with VERY quick moisture return and rapidly sharpening cape on the dryline where the sups are expected to fire
Cameron (Fortson, GA)21-Apr-20 01:54 PM
Not too confident on this event, this is one of those setups where OBS is going to be the determining factor 100%
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 01:54 PM
Absolutely agreed there. How fast the instability returns is going to be a major driving factor in determining whether we look at a cap bust
As of now, most models want the airmass to recover very quickly
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)21-Apr-20 02:51 PM
Worth noting that the HRRRv4 anticipates development but not as big of an MCS
Looks more like this, but no storms off the dryline afterward
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)21-Apr-20 03:22 PM
it is anticipating dryline storms, but further north in OK
the 18Z HRRR also is predicting a cap bust
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)21-Apr-20 03:26 PM
Yep I see a few in OK, one especially that looks really nice. We'll see if it holds up and what obs look like tomorrow
I think there'll be a couple good sups regardless, just a matter of where
Lisa M. (Pflugerville, TX)21-Apr-20 04:45 PM
I'll be on this one (finally)
Cameron (Fortson, GA)21-Apr-20 04:46 PM
Hope the cards play in favor for you guys and you get some epic tubes
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)21-Apr-20 06:01 PM
It's a tricky forecast to be sure
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)21-Apr-20 06:22 PM
My debate is: go out to the dryline tomorrow, or just sit at my house here in the hatched area and wait?
Cameron (Fortson, GA)21-Apr-20 07:45 PM
I'll take a look at OBS and if the cards play and favor go where it takes you
Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX)21-Apr-20 10:24 PM
The dry line will be hours after the main event lol.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)21-Apr-20 10:31 PM
more than likely yeah
synoptic forcing is bigly
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)21-Apr-20 10:55 PM
Everyone should stay home
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 12:18 AM
Easy for us. We're right in the hatched area so we get to flatten the curve AND get to see some storms
Peter Potvin (Pembroke, ON) ✱22-Apr-20 12:31 AM
Meanwhile all I’m getting is graupel, snow and strong winds
It’s been a craaaazy midnight shift so far for multiple reasons. And it’s only 220am! Sometimes, all you have time for is a quick, imperfect 2-min surface analysis to get your bearings so you can get out a quality product.
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:04 AM
Ugh....this setup is so garbaged up. I hate morning severe on a chase day.
It's all mesoscale now, and virtually impossible to forecast with any appreciable lead-time. You gotta nail the target today.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:09 AM
It's tough for sure
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:10 AM
I'm formulating a plan, but it's probably a bad one.(edited)
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:11 AM
Ha what happened to "everyone should stay home"?
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:11 AM
That was sarcasm lol.
But I'll admit, when I woke up this morning it started looking like sound advice.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:12 AM
It didn't fit the Shane Adams brand, that much I caught
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:13 AM
Yeah, I "try" to be like the kids on the internet, but I can;t pull it off. Even plain text, it's not genuine.
Not much of a troll/joker.
As for today, I'm just gonna go bust in N TX along the Red I think, if we go at all.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:14 AM
Luckily I've got plenty of time before things fire up to decide, and if they fire early well I'd have busted anyway then
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:14 AM
NAM h5 VV does not support my theory of a nice sup along the US82 corridor near Gainseville.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:15 AM
I saw that too
East of DFW may be ok too
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:15 AM
CAMS have it sporadically run-ro-run, but there's no lift showing up on NAM.
So I'm not putting a ton of stock on the HRRR right now.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:17 AM
I haven't checked obs yet, that'll be my first thing once I make some coffee
Mike Snyder (Seattle, WA)22-Apr-20 09:25 AM
Loaded gun soundings west of i35 and spc moves 10% east, hmmm
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:30 AM
I'm really hoping that DL/CF/whatever doesn't sweep eastward as fast as progged.
But if it does we're ready.
As for the SPC, they probably jacked the torprobs further east mainly due to coverage.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:32 AM
I was hoping it'd be a dryline day originally, but it may just serve to mess things up
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:32 AM
Yeah. Somehow, clear sky busting on a DL is okay with me. It feels like chasing should be.
I figure we'll go to that new QT in Gainesville, sit for a few hours, then drive home. I'm not gonna drive two hours east to get in front of early-day garbage in the jungles of NE TX/SE OK.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:33 AM
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:34 AM
I am perfectly okay missing all those significant tornadoes you get 30 seconds' worth of views of for the rest of my life. The stringers can have 'em all.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:35 AM
This cloud cover sucks too
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:35 AM
Yeah. Bridget got up a few minutes ago, walked in and drearily said "I guess today is shot."
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:35 AM
But if it can limit surface heating at least we may not get a complete cap bust
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:36 AM
I'm willing to go sit south of the Red and play on my phone a few hours.
But I am not taking a PTO for this setup LOL. I'll take the hit.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:36 AM
Yeah, I'm thinking maybe Sherman
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:36 AM
That's probably a great place to start.
We might end up just behind initiation in Gainesville......obs will let us know.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:37 AM
I don't feel like crossing the river through, hopefully I won't need to
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:38 AM
Me either.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:38 AM
Visibility actually isn't bad up there
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:38 AM
82 is decent east from 35 for a while, like 70 is in OK......but the crossings are far and few.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:38 AM
It's pretty clear down to I-30
75 is a good crossing but it's a little far west for today most likely
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:39 AM
Does TX 78 cross the river??? It shows to on google maps.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:45 AM
Yep it's a big sturdy bridge actually
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:47 AM
Cool. I was unaware of that one.
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 09:47 AM
Good morning sports fans. Needed a break from 13 days of stalemate of family member on a ventilator.
Not chasing but I figured it's an ugly enough setup that I might learn something.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:47 AM
Good to hear from you Chris, hangin in there?
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 09:47 AM
doing ok sir, how about yourself?
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:48 AM
Good morning Chris.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:48 AM
Not bad, just dreaming of our May trip that'll never be
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 09:48 AM
Strange new world.
Wife and I are the primary contacts so its tense between the time we talk to the nurse then the doc gives us an update.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:50 AM
I bet that's tough, sounds like a no news is good news kind of thing?
Unless there's actual good news of course
Looks like Hank is heading to Gainesville, maybe you'll run into him Shane
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 10:00 AM
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 10:00 AM
Best LL moisture seems to be south of 20 but it's creeping it's way up
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 10:02 AM
We get news 3 times a day and lately it more of the same. Right now we're working on getting them on convalescent plasma
huge family so we have to group text all of them.
hmm speed maxes at 500 aren't what I thought they would be this morning
low level shear is bigly
Nathan Hoelting (Amarillo, TX)22-Apr-20 10:08 AM
Stay positive Chris.....I've had 4 family members hospitalized....3 recovered, and 2 were on vent in ICU for 3+ weeks before they walked out of the hospital, one still on a's very hard to do when it gets drug out over such a long period of time, I know.
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 10:10 AM
Good to hear Nathan, so so happy they came off the vent.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 10:33 AM
14Z HRRR says stay home and relax haha
I think the plume of instability between the dryline and WAA area highlighted by SPC has a decent shot
Certainly more appealing than the mess north of the frontal zone
Honestly I may even just stay home til initiation
May go north a bit just to get out of the metro
John Choquette (Edmond, OK)22-Apr-20 10:45 AM
today definitely has a lot more questions than i was anticipating lol
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 10:49 AM
More questions than answers for sure
John Choquette (Edmond, OK)22-Apr-20 10:51 AM
glad i chased yesterday lol
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:25 AM
Many questions, but who was saying the dryline wasn't the main event? Those would be mostly the only chaseable storms anyways
they'd also have the best combo of instability, shear, and moisture to work with if the models were verifying (I need to check obs)
Already as of now there's 4000 SBCAPE back on the dryline with low level lapse rates approaching 7 just behind; later in the afternoon there's every possibility that a couple strong supercells erupt along the dryline. The major question is where and if the cap busts
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:30 AM
Last night that didn't appear to be the case, the system was progged to move through faster and a cap bust seemed more likely
So the main event was considered to be the arklatex stuff
but things have changed!
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:31 AM
I was seeing the potential for dryline storms yesterday into last night, I was under the assumption that was why the SPC upgraded the risk area
am i misunderstanding that?
I'm not trying to be condescending by the way, I'm sorry if it's coming off that way(edited)
Drew Terril (OKC, OK)22-Apr-20 11:31 AM
Doubt I'll see anything, but I'll be parked for the night near Hillsboro. No chasing in the big rig lol
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:31 AM
Nah you're good, the potential was always there
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:32 AM
It always felt that with THAT much instability on the dryline that there was every likelihood that dryline storms would initiate, it was just a question of how clean the warm sector would be
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:32 AM
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:33 AM
That's why yesterday in public events we were discussing that it would all determine whether and where the cap would break along the dryline, anywhere from south central oklahoma to south of DFW
mostly were anticipating a couple larger supercells and an otherwise hard to predict initiaion
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:33 AM
Get him not me!
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:34 AM
@Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX) darn it man!
i don't know, the HRRR instability seems to be verifying and if that's the case the DFW area can see SBCAPE above 5000 j/kg
with decent low level lapse rates and moisture, I think it's very likely the cap breaks somewhere west and possibly north of DFW on the dryline.
storms that initiate may struggle with the cap at first
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:36 AM
That's alright
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:36 AM
It's certainly a very difficult forecast
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 11:36 AM
Days like today are why I'm grateful for GOES-East
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 11:37 AM
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:39 AM
Why do you say that Chris? for seeing where the warm sector is clearing and where it isnt?
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:40 AM
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 11:40 AM
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:40 AM
For anyone with an android phone, check out SatSquatch
@JoshJohnsWx @tamu_atmo @TAMUGeosciences @TAMUMeteorology @TAMUMeteorology put it out about 30 minutes ago! Here ya go!
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:41 AM
I'm looking at the METARs on analyst and it's already giving me a pretty good idea of how cloudy it is further east
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 11:41 AM
It's one of my favorite tools, especially if you pay a little extra for the mesoanalysis overlay
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 11:41 AM
oh wow that's actually very impressive
the main thing about today is shear profiles further north aren't that impressive, but with this kind of instability it could very well end up not being a factor
not sure how much i trust the Eastern extent of things as there's not nearly as much instability out there
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:01 PM
Cloud deck is getting thin.
west of austin
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 12:04 PM
HRRR has been trending to want more N TX supercells, which is fantastic but I will never forget nor forgive 5/20/19
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:06 PM
I mean to be fair, every CAM and obs were screaming a massive tornado outbreak
nobody expected the stout cap to come into play
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:07 PM
It's warm. That cap can still go away real quick.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:08 PM
The cap will probably erode some but I don't see it going away
it's going to play a major role in how discrete cells will be today
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 12:08 PM
I'm hoping it doesn't go away, but it's definitely a balancing act
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:11 PM
Sam, I don't agree with hodos like that.
we shall see.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:13 PM
what do you mean chris? as in the hodos will keep things discrete regardless of if the cap erodes or not?
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:14 PM
Take a look at the Lake charles sounding from 12 Z
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:17 PM
This is way further east than the instability will be though
and south for that matter
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:18 PM
now look at FWD
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:18 PM
the forecast shear will not be nearly as strong by 20Z
I see what youy mean with the heavy shear profile now but it's unlikely to look like that by 20Z
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:19 PM
storm motion vectors will help keep anvils from interacting regardless of cap.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:20 PM
im not jus ttalking about storm interaction, I'm saying if there was zero cap everything would grow upscale pretty quickly because of the amount of instability
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:21 PM
not without leading supercells.
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:30 PM
cell just now at 52 kft
N of college station
What was that about instability near lake charles?
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:40 PM
SBCAPE of around 1700 in that area
plenty for severe tstorms for sure
but i wasn't referring to the lake charles area as out of any instability, i was saying out of the maximized instability on the dryline
actually the severe warned cell is in an area of less than 1000 cape looking at mesoanalysis
note that the current shear tells a very different story especially at 0-1 km
the shear near the dryline is much more impressive than the models were showing as of now, not sure how that could change in the next couple hours
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:45 PM
Looks like the beginnings of an attempted cu field west of DFW/Denton
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:45 PM
yep i was seeing that too. definitely going to be interesting to see where the cap breaks in that
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:46 PM
Going to be a painful decision.
I'm usually pretty patient though
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:47 PM
where are you now shane
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:47 PM
Fort Worth
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:47 PM
so is the ok potential out of play for you then?
Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:47 PM
@Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL). What am i suppose to be damning?
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:47 PM
Not really, but I'm not interested in SE OK
And I don't feel OK has any better shot of a chaseable sup than N TX
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:48 PM
LOL beard and no i was referring to you saying last night that the dryline wasn't the main event when it was pretty much the only event
everything else is going to be a blob further east today
I thought that was already anticipated by most
Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:49 PM
The main event was suppose to be this morning. But that s#&t the bed. The 2nd was going to be the dryline.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:49 PM
@Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX) I don't feel one has a better shot than the other but we don't really know yet. If i was chasing I'd be near Gainesville TX or something of the like waiting to see if a particular storm matures
the main event was never supposed to be this morning if you're talking about tornadoes afaik
the reason for the upgrade yesterday to enhanced was because of the sharpening forecast instability on the dryline
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:49 PM
That was the original plan, but since making that plan I've seen indications there could be development further south. It's not too far away to make a move north.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:50 PM
very true shane.
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:50 PM
Plus, if I have options other than the river area, I usually opt for those because of inevitable crossing/road issues.
But the SOTD might go right up west of there while I'm still sitting here LOL.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:50 PM
I don't see development much further south than, say, hillsboro though(edited)
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:50 PM
Chasing, man.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:51 PM
and on a day like this it's easier to go south than north imo
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:51 PM
I hate going south
Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:51 PM
Shane check your inbox
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 12:51 PM
I almost always position to have to go north. I want clear air as much as possible.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 12:51 PM
Going south sucks
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:52 PM
core punching sucks, but in terms of time to get to a storm, with NE storm motions, yes
that being said the storm motions today have changed
261 means it'll probably be easier going north through clear air
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 12:53 PM
I'm gonna sit tight for now
Lisa M. (Pflugerville, TX)22-Apr-20 12:55 PM
I was going to chase these messy storms NE of College Station but I’m sitting at the intersection for I-45 North thinking I’m gonna shoot up and give NTX a run today
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:55 PM
intrigued by the Milano cell...
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 12:56 PM
which cell is that chris
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:57 PM
just west of college station
Lisa M. (Pflugerville, TX)22-Apr-20 12:57 PM
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 12:57 PM
we might find out how capped Brazos really is
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 01:00 PM
Nu cu development southward down that same exisiting line.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:02 PM
I'm pretty comfy here at my desk, I'll probably leave around 2-2:30
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 01:07 PM
First echo near Jacksboro?
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:08 PM
Could be
We'll see how it does
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 01:09 PM
Might be a glitch.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:10 PM
yep, disappeared next scan
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 01:12 PM
You can see that narrow corridor of instability on the surface map, as advertised by the NAM. Those 80s along the DL and just east are extremely skinny....east of 35 you still have low 70s and even some upper 60s.
Makes me wonder if storms are gonna outrun their instability corridor before/not long after they mature
Drew Terril (OKC, OK)22-Apr-20 01:13 PM
It was mid 70s but cloudy coming up 35 from Temple to FW
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:17 PM
It's certainly a possibility
Michael Beard (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 01:37 PM
As long as they stay locked to the dryline they'll be fine. If they pull away they'll just be hailers.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:41 PM
Watch should be coming pretty soon
Todd Brown (Piedmont, OK)22-Apr-20 01:42 PM
Hoping dryline stays further west than models indicate for a longer period. If not, my chase chances are probably screwed.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 01:43 PM
How's that?
Todd Brown (Piedmont, OK)22-Apr-20 01:44 PM
I have a work meeting at 3:00 so I won't be able to leave until 3:30. And it's 2 hours to Ardmore if I book it.
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:01 PM
The anvil level winds are insane. Those tops are getting shredded lol.
John Choquette (Edmond, OK)22-Apr-20 02:08 PM
dryline slow down please
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:19 PM
I don't think it's going to.
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 02:19 PM
even if the dryline doesn't slow down heat recovery will gradually happen to the east
but that's what i was talking about earlier about storms possibly dying by sundown
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:20 PM
That instability corridor gets smashed the further north you go. It looks to my eye like the OK storms are gonna run into stable air eventually, sooner than later. Down in TX the instability pool is wider
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 02:25 PM
I get the feeling a lot of chasers are going to go after the Oklahoma storms, watch them die and then have to scramble south into texas to try to catch the best cell of the day
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 02:26 PM
That's why I'm just hanging out at home
Not planning on going any further south than I already am
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:28 PM
This is starting to look like a real squeeze play. Typically the DL bulge is where you want to be, but that's with an open warm sector that's not comprimised.
CC east of the DL is really starting to play into this
It's very early, but this DL just keeps coming, maybe faster than the CC can move
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 02:31 PM
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:34 PM
Tornado Watch
I was beginning to wonder if they were going to issue one.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 02:35 PM
Oh gotcha
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 02:35 PM
still wondering what cc means
Drew Terril (OKC, OK)22-Apr-20 02:35 PM
Yup my CB just kicked over to wx band for the watch
Shane means cloud cover by CC
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 02:37 PM
Sorry Ben, I thought you wer asking about the radar term CC
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 02:37 PM
Oh nah I'm very familiar with that
Cloud cover makes sense, I'm sure i've referred to it as CC before but my mind was blanking
I'm thinking I may head to Dentonish area
Gets me further west and out of the metro, but not so far north that I end up regretting it
Sasha (Montreal, QC)🇨🇦22-Apr-20 02:41 PM
Some areas under both a TOA and SVA rn lol
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 02:41 PM
Denton is not a bad call
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 02:49 PM
Alrighty, off I go
If you guys see anything I may not catch cause I'm driving, you're more than welcome to ping me
Sam Soud (Jacksonville, FL)22-Apr-20 02:50 PM
i got you ben
good luck!
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 03:02 PM
I think that new batch of cu flying in from the west may be the show
It's moving into the max cape spike
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)22-Apr-20 03:05 PM
Yes I like north of DFW on I-35. Might take until there for storms to fully root and snag the straight south wind. Then hope it's before the jungle.
Might consider just north of Red River. Stay near I-35 or other river crossing until cell selection is locked in.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 03:21 PM
Oh yeah. Nice and clear.
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 03:49 PM
Ben you got a cooler for our hail?
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 03:54 PM
I wish! Do have a ruler though
Chris Maupin (Houston, TX)22-Apr-20 03:58 PM
Oh so you're just gonna tease
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 04:06 PM
Not if I blue sky bust
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)22-Apr-20 04:06 PM
US-75 out of Dallas at 4pm. That's unbelievable! Heck, maybe I can chase Atlanta tomorrow, lol!(edited)
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 04:12 PM
PGBT between 75 and 35 but close!
It's easy for sure
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)22-Apr-20 06:20 PM
Matthew - 0
Tornadoes - 2
Had two great opportunities near mill creek and wapuncka, but chaser convergence and HP ruined it
Jason Myers (Norman, OK)22-Apr-20 06:24 PM
Bagged 2 tornadoes today. Got the Springer-Gene Autry tor and then got very close to the Wapanucka tornado as it crossed OK48.
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)22-Apr-20 06:28 PM
We got caught up in chaser convergence right as soon as we got into Wapanucka
Jason Myers (Norman, OK)22-Apr-20 06:41 PM
We worked our way to the front so we only had one car in front of us at the stop sign. We actually went too far north and then had to backtrack once we got visual... then we had to move 200 yards down the road to avoid being hit.
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)22-Apr-20 06:43 PM
The one in mill creek had us on edge, rotation took a hard right and passed right over us, we were expecting it to go north a bit
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)22-Apr-20 06:55 PM
Convergence sounds like May 20 Oklahoma. Southeast Texas cell remains intense, but visibility is questionable there. 6:49 pm still a debris ball.(edited)
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)22-Apr-20 07:53 PM
Photo from Val castors stream East of Mill creek. This is the one we were a mile away from but didn’t have a road to take us East to it
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 08:02 PM
Was that on the middle storm?
I stayed south and had fun getting whacked with some RFD and running out of road before heading home
No tornadoes for me but got some decent structure pics and was home before 8
I'd be mad if I'd driven to Kansas for that but no complaints here
Jason Myers (Norman, OK)22-Apr-20 08:20 PM
That was middle storm. Road network was a huge problem today.
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)22-Apr-20 08:36 PM
Agreed @Jason Myers (Norman, OK)
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 08:40 PM
Radar coverage and bad cell service didn't help
I knew the road network wasn't gonna be great going into it, but I was hoping not to have to hug the river
Ah well, I had a good time, learned a few things
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI)22-Apr-20 08:44 PM
Congrats to all who managed to bag a tube today.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 08:45 PM
@Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX) Where'd you end up? Saw somebody that looked like it might be you
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:10 PM
The storm where there weren't any tornadoes while we had our very few actual decent views.
Like I said this morning "I'll probably drive to Gainesville and bust."
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:13 PM
What kind of car do you drive?
That makes two of us
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:19 PM
2001 camry, white
But I did find a river crossing I didnlt know existed
Quite by accident
Drew Terril (OKC, OK)22-Apr-20 09:20 PM
US 377?
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:20 PM
Carpenter's Bluff bridge
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:20 PM
Haha was this you?
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:20 PM
Son of a bitch lol
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI)22-Apr-20 09:21 PM
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:21 PM
I pulled up right as you were packing up
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:22 PM
BTW, did you notice that lowered area well east of us? Some chaser got a tornado NW of Paris from this storm
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:22 PM
I did, kind of in the back?
I thought about going for it but there wasn't enough road
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:23 PM
Yeah, that's why we stopped. I swear this was a repeat of our 5-9-16 chase. Same damn thing. took the southern storm, fought the river and shitty roads, then right after we got cut off, it goes bonkers(edited)
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:24 PM
Yeah it'd be one thing if there just weren't any tors
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:24 PM
I can;t buy any luck the past few years
This shit used to be easy lol
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:24 PM
But this was just a screw up on my part
Well hey, plains season is just getting started
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:24 PM
Not much you could've done differnt other than target a different storm, and that was pretty much impossible
I can;t leave a storm in front of me to chase a warning, not in my DNA.
But it was obvious pretty early on our storm didn;t have "that look" to it in the early half of its life.
Yep, on to the next one.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:28 PM
I was late to the party which didn't help
Otherwise I MAY have had the foresight to go for the Ardmore cell
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:29 PM
We rolled into Gainesville right as that thing was getting started.....had to stop for a bathroom break for the woman (smdh)(edited)
Chasing with women is (looks around the room) such a pain in the ass sometimes. That cost us 10 minutes.
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:29 PM
I was still in Denton as it was going north of Gainesville
Booked it up 35 then across 82
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:30 PM
Once I have a storm in front of me I forget other storms. But when I saw all the others getting t-warned I figured ours was too
They were all so damn close
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:30 PM
Me too
The bad radar spot didn't help either
I gave up on that and just used visual clues but that stopped working once I got hailed on
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:32 PM
At one point we had no radar, we couldn't see, and I didnt know where we were or what direction we were going. I was just taking roads that went the way we needed to go. Got into some Deliverance type spots crossing the river....jesus christ. I could hear banjos(edited)
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:33 PM
Yeah that's a weird place
Yeah that's a weird place
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:34 PM
I should've known to go across the river to start, but I stubbornly stuck to my target
I should've known to go across the river to start, but I stubbornly stuck to my target
I only typed that once, and it took forever to show up
I should've known to go across the river to start, but I stubbornly stuck to my target
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI)22-Apr-20 09:35 PM
I think Discord just had a brain fart
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:35 PM
It did
Ben Riggs (Richardson, TX)22-Apr-20 09:35 PM
I was hoping for more north texas action, but we still did better than any chasers that got baited by the HRRR
Shane Adams (Fort Worth, TX)22-Apr-20 09:36 PM
Peter is talking about it in VC
Peter is talking about it in VC
I almost decided to stay home and wait for the "DFW" storm later on. Glad I decided not to, but I waited too long.
This server is screwed up
Sasha (Montreal, QC)🇨🇦22-Apr-20 11:01 PM
Matthew Davies (Poteau, OK)23-Apr-20 03:58 PM
Looking back on yesterday, was a little to close for comfort with this one it decided to take a hard East turn instead of the northeast route