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EVENT ARCHIVE / 06-26-2020_mo_il_wi_ia_mi_in
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 24-Jun-20 10:12 PM
Who made this?
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 24-Jun-20 10:21 PM
@Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) Wow, we time traveled to July 26th already? Holy cow troll (edited)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 24-Jun-20 10:22 PM
yes Mark it down everyone LMAO!
Yao 2
My apologies for skipping time. I'll get back into my delorian.
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 24-Jun-20 10:42 PM
Hey, let me join you. Take me back to 06/16/2014 please @Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)
It sure beats 2020
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 24-Jun-20 10:43 PM
backup 1
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 24-Jun-20 11:58 PM
Friday 00z
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 25-Jun-20 12:06 AM
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 25-Jun-20 01:54 AM
INB4 enhanced troll
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:00 AM
That's...not what I expected
...Central and southern High Plains... Isolated to widely scattered, late afternoon/early evening thunderstorm development is expected over the Front Range, as low-level easterly upslope flow evolves north of the cold front becoming more west-to-east oriented across Kansas through the day. Moderate westerly flow aloft atop low-level southerlies will likely result in sufficient shear organized/rotating updrafts. A deep mixed layer which will evolve through the afternoon over the High Plains suggests that storms moving off the higher terrain will be capable of locally strong wind gusts. An isolated landspout-type tornado also cannot be ruled out, though potential for greater tornado risk should remain limited by a dry/deep boundary layer. At this time, will maintain only marginal/level 1 categorical risk, due to anticipated storm coverage being sparse. Risk may be upgraded to slight risk in future outlooks if a bit more widespread development becomes more likely.
Definitely expected a 2% tor around the IA/MO/IL area. I guess they think storm coverage won't be significant? And there's the boundary layer they mention.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:24 AM
Organized rotating updrafts
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 25-Jun-20 02:35 AM
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 25-Jun-20 10:09 AM
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 25-Jun-20 11:44 AM
derecho 6
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 25-Jun-20 12:23 PM
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 12:28 PM
Time for IOWA magic
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 25-Jun-20 01:32 PM
12:29pm CDT #SPC Day2 Outlook Enhanced Risk: across southeast wi and central/southern lower mi
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 25-Jun-20 01:33 PM
I miss the 8-14 day outlook with KS under severe weather
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 25-Jun-20 01:33 PM
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 25-Jun-20 01:34 PM
Can I get a refund on this event?
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 01:36 PM
Well shit. Do I drive to Wisconsin?
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 25-Jun-20 01:56 PM
The HRRRv4 was discontinued but this high risk machine lives on?
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:14 PM
Upslope flow behind the cold front will help support isolated to scattered thunderstorm developing across the Front Range late Friday afternoon. Instability will be modest, but easterly/northeasterly surface wind beneath westerly flow aloft will contribute to moderate vertical shear and the potential for a few supercells. Large hail is possible, particularly with initial storm development, but the primary threat is expected to be strong wind gusts as the high-based storms move off the terrain. An isolated landspout-type tornado also cannot be ruled out, though potential for greater tornado risk should remain limited by a dry/deep boundary layer.
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 25-Jun-20 02:19 PM
@Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) lol. If you've never chased in Wisconsin, here's a tip from a former 18 year Wisconsin resident. If you love trees and hills an HP supercells then go right ahead. Because that's all Wisconsin ever has.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:19 PM
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 25-Jun-20 02:19 PM
Oh and I forgot to mention Squall lines are more common than supercells.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:19 PM
Of course
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 25-Jun-20 02:20 PM
You heard it from Mr.Sqaull line himself. (edited)
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:20 PM
I think there's potential for some short term supercells in Iowa before it lines up, like Kansas the other day
Even if there isn't a tornado threat, would be nice to see a supercell
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 25-Jun-20 02:21 PM
however if there are a bunch of idiots chasing in Wisconsin like there was a few weeks ago they'll say tornadoes are forming everywhere, just as they did earlier in May and then the national weather service will discredit every single one (edited)
In case you didn't see it
😂 4
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 02:24 PM
Ah yes, smoke from a factory lmao
this 2
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 25-Jun-20 02:24 PM
And that people... Is why I've always stuck by my fact that skywarn training needs to be more intensive than a 2 hour course....
I was so pissed because based on the reports a tornado was on the ground and heading straight for one of my friends houses so I warned him about it and then I see that it's smoke from a building after the fact. I put a whole rant out about how uneducated people are. Lol.
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 25-Jun-20 02:53 PM
If you chase SE WI, I-94 is the only decent corridor through there
AndrewMacklin (Toronto,ON) 25-Jun-20 03:41 PM
can you guys tell Donald to open the border tomorrow? I need a Michigan chase...
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 04:11 PM
Newer runs showing pre squall line convection Eastward moving in IA
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 25-Jun-20 06:21 PM
Sorta makes sense something could ride the boundary
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 25-Jun-20 07:21 PM
I have my eye on the region just SE of the SE end of MN. Looks to be well south of the mess of convection remnant from today. Also the shear looks good there for more discrete convection. I have to agree with @Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) that the WI terrain leaves some to be desired. But beggers cant be choosers, especially where their first tornado is concerned. The only limiting factor is getting off work early...
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 25-Jun-20 11:58 PM
HRRR flip flopping on solutions ,I got uncertainty on how much destablization happens in the warm-sector, early morning precip, timing, and the evolution of the convection and if there is any discrete development as 0Z HRRR shows in SE WI where the warm-sector destablizes a bit more with less morning precip. Models agree on at least some boundary layer destablization but how much is a bit uncertain for me at least
Not sure what to think, you got good 500mb westerly flow, NAM shows a solid 850mb LLJ, 700mb flow is decent as well, but lapse rates just don't look great, morning precip seems to be a potential issue and the overall evolution is a bit finnicky. 00Z HRRR vs the latest runs are night and day
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 26-Jun-20 12:20 AM
Day 1 party
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 12:27 AM
Unless I get a real surprise, not gonna be a party for me lol
Talk about downtrend
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 01:51 AM
Sad midwestern noises
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 26-Jun-20 02:03 AM
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:03 AM
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 26-Jun-20 02:03 AM
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:04 AM
Chicago under the gun
Don't think I'm going out, chasing doesn't look good
I've got a phone interview tomorrow anyway lol
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:22 AM
I said I'd chase this setup no matter what haha
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:26 AM
Not at all excited to see the HRRR nor the 5% tornado risk.
Reminds me of the August 18th, 2005 tornado outbreak day and it bothers me.
But, that is why I will be on top of my game today and watch every single cell in Southern Wisconsin and warn when need be.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:30 AM
Viola WI F2
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:30 AM
For the record I am not comparing the two. Lmao. I lived through August 18th and this is nothing like it, however, I just don't like seeing my family in that type of risk, given the environment in place.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:30 AM
I get you, just a bit close to home
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:30 AM
Yes, my town was hit by the most violent tornado that day. An F3 that killed 1 and did 40 million dollars worth of damage. (edited)
And that was a 5% day. Thus why I tell people to take this stuff seriously.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:32 AM
Yeah no thanks
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:32 AM
Yes. I was 0.25 miles from that.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:33 AM
Beauregard Passed by really close here as an EF3, as well a EF2 on March 1 2007 was literally a block away from me
You can say too close for comfort
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:33 AM The only documentary ever made on it, was by me, however, I feel that I did a better job at covering the event on my website
Hello everyone, today I am going to be talking about how weather has changed my life. Before we get into talking about how weather has changed my life. I thought that it would be best to talk about where I am from first. I am from a very small town in Wisconsin called Monticel...
That tornado in the photo is 100% the reason why I am so focused on EM and mitigation
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:34 AM
I thought there was a weather channel documentary
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:34 AM
This was the kind've stuff I was like a block away
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:34 AM
The stoughton one
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:34 AM
It was a half assed mention in "Full Force Nature"
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:35 AM
Same day as the Enterprise EF4, High-end EF2 ripped through, I think the worst injury was a little girl getting sucked under her bed and pulled out by the EF2 tornado
Because they didn't listen to the sirens and the parents kept her napping when it hit
And the roof came off
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:35 AM
They didn't even discuss the actual event, only interviewed a local race car driver who I knew and showed his overdramatic video.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:35 AM
With the cheesy dramatic music I'm assuming
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:35 AM
How close was that to you Cameron
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:36 AM
I believe this was the house where that little girl got pulled under by the tornado in her room
Those photos not too sure, stuff has built up so much since
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:36 AM
Sad stuff
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:37 AM
Welp. Back to waiting for an event.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:37 AM
Most people forgot we had I believe in F4 in 1954 and then thought during that time "big city areas can't get hit with a significant tornado!"
That happened on March 1st '07, April 19 2009 (bascially took the same path) and March 3 2019
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:37 AM
Maybe we'll have a July Illinois outbreak
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:37 AM
I mean people underestimate even weaker tornadoes
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
@Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) why aren't you going to the best chase state ever? Iowa?
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
My TA for tomorrow
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
I mean people underestimate even weaker tornadoes
@Cameron (Fortson, GA) Sadly, yes they do.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
What happens to a 2nd story home in a high-end EF2
You can easily get sucked out if you were ont he 2nd floor
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
@Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) why aren't you going to the best chase state ever? Iowa?
@Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) I'm not convinced on a tornado threat in Iowa
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:38 AM
Don't underestimate IA
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:39 AM
And chasing through Chicago...sounds bad
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:39 AM
This was the F3 that hit my town...
Never underestimate a tornado. That's the first wrong thing in mitigating the loss of life.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:39 AM
The scariest one for me is March 3rd
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
@Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) I'm not convinced on a tornado threat in Iowa
@Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) I was just kidding anywho. 😉
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
I believe someone got thrown from their car into a chain link fence and decapitated from the Lee County EF4
Chances of you living in that is practically 0
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
Wow. That's really graphidc
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
You can forget it
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
Which is why you should always abandon your vehicle.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:40 AM
If I did northern IA, maybe
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:41 AM
You will not survivor a tornado in a vehicle and if you do, you're very lucky
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:41 AM
We had 1 tornado warning that day previously
and people let their guard down
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:41 AM
I've got nothing but days to wait though lol
If you build it, they will come
But for tornados
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:41 AM
However with an EF4 even if you take the safety measures, if you don't have an underground celluar and it directly hits you, you may not make it
I was stuck on a 3rd floor apartment
I was thinking "If this hits, this roof is gonna give and I'm gonna get sucked out"
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:42 AM
In that case, you'd put as many walls in between you and the outside, put a helmet on and use something sturdy to cover your head.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:42 AM
The last radar scan I got was as it was crossing the state line and it was just chilling, right on que the power went out
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:42 AM
Talking about your underground cellur comment btw
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:42 AM
I'd almost rather be outside than a 3rd floor apartment
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:43 AM
As for your 3rd floor apartment, the best idea would be to get to the lowest level, if that's not possible, find a public shelter.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:43 AM
My friend got hit by some kind of RFD or the outer edge of the tornado, they had pieces of wood and stuff drill into the ground, branches and stuff too
There's an interior hallway to some storage room on the 1st floor
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:43 AM
Create a plan and practice said plan, so when something happens you are prepared to react.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:43 AM
Yeah, we did
Make it to the clubhouse, it has a below ground level
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:43 AM
Good stuff kid.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:44 AM
I've had too many close calls, hoping I don't lose that luck and don't get directly hit
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:44 AM
Well, in the event that you do, you already have a plan in place and know what you need to do.
That's a starting point.
Next would be an EPK
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:44 AM
At that point I was around there
In that blue dot
EF3 DI was a bit further up to the NE but still too close
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
That was recent, wasn't it
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
Last year yeah
While that was happening, there was a wedge EF1 in Pine Mountain
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
I thought so
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
My friend actually was driving back from a zoo they have up there and ran into it
He stopped but still
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
Not fun
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:45 AM
It was an EF1 tree mower
I think it was like half a mile wide or something
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:46 AM
Hope it didn't kill anyone.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:46 AM
Don't believe it did
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:46 AM
I don't care much about tornadoes damaging structures, but more so about a human life. Buildings can be replaced, lives can't.
Glad to hear that.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:47 AM
Yep, .51 miles wide
You can see it ride right along the road/interstate to pine mountain
Which people travel a lot from and back for work in COlumbus
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:47 AM
Yeah, it
Yeah, it basically parralled it.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 02:48 AM
Anyway, I'm heading off to bed
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:48 AM
So am I. At least I get to sleep in
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 02:53 AM
Same, goodnight.
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 09:47 AM
Not really convinced on the 5% today. Looks mostly a MCS event. Maybe we'll get some QLCS action but this looks like a classic Chicago derecho event
Once I saw our man Broyles on the AM forecast I knew exactly why we have a 5% (edited)
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 26-Jun-20 10:23 AM
2% in IOWA
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 10:41 AM
The Great Chicago Wedge will happen because KLOT is down
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 11:27 AM
Let's hope it doesn't. I would rather not see a mass casualty event.
Bud [whoosh] (Chicagoland, IL) 26-Jun-20 11:55 AM
most folks are already sheltered in place; rains should have already closed the golf courses and parks
Drew Terril (Yukon, OK) 26-Jun-20 12:27 PM
KLOT is always down for severe events. It's the Midwest equivalent to KDFR in Oklahoma
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 26-Jun-20 12:27 PM
Ur kidding klot is down. Confirmed.
Confirmed sv wx. Lol
Well anyone going out stay safe.
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 12:45 PM
This is actually the first one in awhile for KLOT least from what I've noticed. Even so, the density of radars around us especially MKX and ILX is decent enough to see what's happening
DVN as well
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 26-Jun-20 12:55 PM
Not to mention two Terminal Dopplers
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 26-Jun-20 01:34 PM
16z hrrr said pds
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 26-Jun-20 01:40 PM
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 02:38 PM
A severe thunderstorm watch has been issued for parts of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin until 9 PM CDT
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 02:39 PM
Trying to figure out if it's worth shooting north into Iowa for the evening's show
HRRR showing storms going up around the border at 00Zish
Sasha (Montreal, QC)🇨🇦 26-Jun-20 02:45 PM
IN6 troll where is Indiana 6
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 03:53 PM
Spotr 1 miles W of SILVER HEIGHTS, CO @ 19:46 UTC Rotating Wall Cloud>-Wall cloud and meso Development approximately 10 miles west of Cast
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 26-Jun-20 03:55 PM
Yeah lol, nobody has been watching but there's a 5% out west
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 04:06 PM
Here we go. Lightning so close I Almost peed my pants. #cowx @JessicaLebelWX @MattMakens @ChrisCBS4 @KathySabine9 @chris_tomer @christinerappwx @BrooksWeather @KDVR @theWXwoman @DaveFraserWX @PinpointWX @DaveCBS4 @weather5280 @9NEWSWeather
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 26-Jun-20 04:07 PM
Shouldn't we just put this in one channel rather than 2?
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 04:09 PM
Why does it matter?
This channel is specifically for chasers to talk about an event. Public Event is for everyone.
Thus why Cameron probably posted it in both channels.
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 26-Jun-20 04:11 PM
So you don't have to see the same thing twice? It's redundant.
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 04:11 PM
Posted it for the GP and then the chaser chat
Like I always do
this 4
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 04:11 PM
Then don't look at Public event lol. I have it muted.
I honesty forgot CO was going to get severe weather. I've been so focused on Wisconsin.
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 04:19 PM
CO is the true target if you want to see a tornado IMO
Watch me jinx it and we get tornado warnings now across WI
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 04:19 PM
There's a TOR possible across WI now troll
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 26-Jun-20 04:26 PM
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 04:33 PM
Severe Thunderstorm in Bloomington, WI. Heading Southeast 5 miles away from Lancaster, WI. Does have some rotation, however doesn't look great at this time The most intense part of the precipitation is falling to the SE of Bloomington. Storm seems to be dying as it has lost some intensity. (edited)
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 04:42 PM
Meanwhile in Columbus Grove, OH... #ohwx @NWSIWX Looking northwest.
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 26-Jun-20 04:53 PM
That Severe Thunderstorm in SW WI has produced damaging winds. Grant County Emergency Management reporting trees and powerlines down in Bloomington as well as Glen Haven.
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 06:43 PM
@mesoanticyclone @NWSChicago If it helps this is courtesy my buddy Connor Healey (used with permission) who claims a few brief circulations, same loc/time
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 26-Jun-20 07:35 PM
Just received a report from a trained spotter of a funnel cloud sighted with this storm at 6:28 PM 1 mile south of Pecatonica. #ilwx
Cameron (Fortson, GA) 26-Jun-20 09:57 PM
Payton (Lawrence, KS) 26-Jun-20 11:00 PM
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 26-Jun-20 11:32 PM
Today was fun. Lots of wind, lightning, and shelfie
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 27-Jun-20 09:58 AM
Mike Thornton (Norman, OK) 27-Jun-20 01:50 PM
@Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) @Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) nice photos
thunk 3
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 27-Jun-20 02:43 PM
Nice guys. James u had something there.
👍 3
James T. (Columbus Grove, OH) 27-Jun-20 02:48 PM
I thought so
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 27-Jun-20 10:05 PM
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