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EVENT ARCHIVE / 07-15-2020_il_mo
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 15-Jul-20 05:14 PM
It’s up
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 15-Jul-20 05:21 PM
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 05:24 PM
Ashley Poling (St. Louis, MO) 15-Jul-20 05:28 PM
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 15-Jul-20 05:41 PM
Developing wall cloud on Carlinville IL storm #ilwx
👍 3
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 05:46 PM
Got run over. Doing best to get out in front again. That was where was looking suspicious on radar for me.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 05:59 PM
Kicking myself. Falling behind, going to have to give up on getting in front. Intense rain, completely blinding.
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 06:12 PM
Lessons learned. Real pissed at myself. No chance we're getting back ahead with it doing 55.
Small trees down
Calvin Thomas (Mizzou, MO) 15-Jul-20 07:01 PM
Got there too late. Storms beat me to my spot
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 07:12 PM
Ed Tierney (Des Plaines, IL) 15-Jul-20 07:52 PM
Funnel cloud over Bloomington, IL. CGs all over the place. @NWSLincolnIL
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 11:16 PM
Multiple rotating wall clouds at once, tornado warnings, sirens, and some nice lightning to boot. All in all? I'd call it a 90% successful chase haha. At one pointz I did see something rain wrapped in a warned area, matched up with rotation on Radar, but I couldnt confirm enough to be comfortable calling something in.
👍 3
Josh Zitko(Cimarron, NM/STL, MO) 15-Jul-20 11:59 PM
And, lessons learned. Stupid decision in this case to try to go west through the line to get to that cell, I should've known it would die. From that point on, I was trying to catch up instead of being in front of it. Ended up working out okay, but I could've either gone north, or been on tail end charlie much earlier if I stayed in front. (edited)
We live on, we chase on, we learn.
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 16-Jul-20 12:14 AM
I learned that I need one of those cell phone signal boosters. I lost reception right as my family went under a tornado warning and I couldn't send receive texts/calls. Plus I had zero access to radar when I was in western IL
Doing it the old fashioned way via weather radio and observations sucks πŸ˜‚ especially when distant views are blocked by rain
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