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EVENT ARCHIVE / 05-17-2021_co_ks_nm_ok_tx
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 17-May-21 01:38 AM
12:27am CDT #SPC Day1 Outlook Moderate Risk: across parts of northwest texas
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:12 AM
big UH cells all over. but the biggest in the E PH
for tors. here are your cams; HRRR on NM border, and well S of lubbock
Palmer (Weld County, CO) 17-May-21 02:18 AM
UH on the 3km NAM is so weird
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:18 AM
NSSL has tors possible near sweatwater that area
ARW has NONE in the main target area. but some in the QLCS that will hit houston??
Palmer (Weld County, CO) 17-May-21 02:19 AM
Yeah it seems like an early MCS day like that Dallas day a few weeks back
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:19 AM
but there is the big one boys:
Palmer (Weld County, CO) 17-May-21 02:19 AM
Where the whole dryline went up at once
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:19 AM
the new FV3 has a massive tornado oubreak forecast
del rio, central tx. sweetwater / childress. amarillo. SW KS
KEEP IN MIND. the FV3 is new, and is totally overblowing UH right now at the low levels
it did forecast a massive outbreak today as well for what it's worth. and we just got lots and lots of hail
so if we forecast persistance based on FV3, its a hail-call. and finally NAM3km has a giant MCS /w embedded supers /w tors
south of lubbck up to childress again
so, best bet, until we have better mesoanalysis for tomorrow morning. put yourself between Lubbock and padukah, again.
this 3
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 17-May-21 08:25 AM
What is this FV3 model?
Stephen M (Wichita, KS) 17-May-21 08:36 AM
Jim Martin (Findlay, Ohio) 17-May-21 10:21 AM
The FV3 replaced the WRF-NMM last week.
beard (fort worth) 17-May-21 12:05 PM
I'm not sold on that area for day time storms just yet. NAM3K really likes it but HRRR only hints at a few showers until after sunset.
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 17-May-21 01:05 PM
HREF does like the cluster just south of Childress. Still I find the forecast string of pearls around Lubbock south more interesting. Closer to kinematics too. Virtual target unfortunately I’m not out there.
spoutymcspoutface 1
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 17-May-21 01:47 PM
I have a feeling that if we get a storm to latch onto a boundary we might see a few large/strong tornadoes today. Very enlarged hodographs 0-6km (with weaker upper level shear, however that doesn’t hinder tornadogenesis all too much in my experience) supportive of strong-intense (and potentially a violent tornado or two if all mesoscale ingredients come together) tornadoes, SBCAPE values approaching 5000 J/Kg along with strong cape at other levels as well, and lapse rates in excess of 9 C/Km at nearly all levels, supporting very healthy, strong updrafts. For those of you chasing out there today, good luck and be careful!
@Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) haven’t seen you talk too much about today recently. What are your thoughts?
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-May-21 02:25 PM
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:31 PM
Sorry been busy with meetings. I got more tonight
Too many meetings for guy who just got laid off.
(I also sell collectables like magic the gathering and I'm on a nonprofit board)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-May-21 02:31 PM
Job interviews?
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:31 PM
That's tomorrow, glen. Lol.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-May-21 02:32 PM
Oh ok
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:32 PM
If anyone has an MTG collection they want to move fast pst me, lol. Been doing good business
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-May-21 02:32 PM
Pimp it out
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:33 PM
Anyway, I'll be down at my command center in a few. I'll check them meso
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 17-May-21 02:33 PM
We are capped here again.
About to go hiking. Then maybe a chase?
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 17-May-21 02:38 PM
Thank you.
Was hoping you would go get some Texas tornadoes today glen. You
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:38 PM
I see that the MCS heading toward houston did happen as was forecast by cams. interesting....ARW was the one with the MCS and tors in houstin. ARW also had no tors in the lubbock area
✅ 1
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 17-May-21 02:38 PM
You need your first Texas tube glen.
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:40 PM
MCS left a huge area of subsidence behind it. all the awy to Lubbock.
convergence is maximiized up toward AMA and in the big bend area. but the lubbock and just SW of lubbock is bouncing bast fast
this means we could have a 2-part initation. one near the easy-break areas far N and S. and a second in the middle late. let me check cams to see if they agree
hmmmm....lots of boundaries leftover down near midland area. this could go big on the edge of that SPC 10%. we've still got a few hours of advection to worry about first
just after 7pm near / NE of lubbock LLJ kicks up. secondary further south:
Grant Leighty (Kansas City, MO) 17-May-21 02:45 PM
Is La Mesa a good place to go? That’s were I am heading now
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 02:46 PM
thtas a good spot if things go early. but you might be waitign a while if they dont. be ready to shoot north
NM already had it first tornado. strong VORT MAX heading into the area. great sign for +tors
HRRR has a long track tor right between lamesa and big springs around 6pm
which is also the only game in town and tail end charley if it verifies
secondary target near the NM border NW of lubbock on that run
ARW has a similar solution with NM border early then E of big springs later
fv3 is worthless agian. it has a finger of god SW of AMA, with more monsters out near del rio
Nam3km has a long track in E NM, followed by a tor on the border NW of Lubbock. then some QLCS tors near Abilene later (edited)
dryline in NM is already popping /w really good convergence there.. might be worth just chasing that if you are worried about bust S of lubbock
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 03:14 PM
MD is out and says tornado watch is coming.
Jim Martin (Findlay, Ohio) 17-May-21 03:29 PM
#TornadoWatch forthcoming, per .@NWSSPC. Giant hail and destructive winds likely as well. #NMwx #TXwx #severe #weather
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 03:47 PM
who thinks today busts? looks good. currently near brownfield
curtis miller (chicago, il) 17-May-21 03:49 PM
Just north of Lamesa
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 03:52 PM
Since it looks good, it has to bust, right? That’s how it works?
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 03:52 PM
I guess
Lamesa isn't bad, I almost took the road down there. It's only a few miles east of me if I need to drop down
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 03:53 PM
Looks like a few showers are going up just on the NM side. West of Morton TX
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 03:55 PM
i'm still worried about divergence at the surface in TX. could ruin the surface in the S PH and end up with just high based hailers
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 03:56 PM
should be some convergence out here, we have some decent southeasterlies. I'm sitting on the tongue of 60 dews which is pretty rare out here im like 3500ft i think
3224' i guess
mid level lapse rates will mkae fun hailers tho if thats how this plays out
I also kind of like the mesolow over near odessa
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 03:59 PM
big area of moisture convergence along the dryline in SE NM advecting into the S PH.
give it 2-3 hours and prime convergence will be in the odessa to lamesa corridor
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 03:59 PM
yeah that's kind of my idea. That's why im sitting here in brownfield, I can pick off the storm I wanna grab
That ofb from earlier has diffused but should still enhance SRH a little
i hope
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 04:01 PM
meso shows 3000 cape over the entire target area. cin almost gone. interesting meso low setup. i love those
Tristan White (Hartselle, AL) 17-May-21 04:02 PM
Tornado Watch is out now
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 04:02 PM
(well, my target area) the N PH is lower risk today until something magic happens /w advection in the next 2 hours
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 04:03 PM
llj cramks up later
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 04:15 PM
Wow that's a big boy watch
Drew Terril (Yukon, OK) 17-May-21 04:19 PM
I'll be running right through that severe watch on my way to CO. Amarillo on 40 then up US 87 to Raton, NM
Tristan White (Hartselle, AL) 17-May-21 04:24 PM
Should be a very interesting few hours. I wish I was in Texas right now.
Jim Martin (Findlay, Ohio) 17-May-21 04:28 PM
splitting supercells near Dora New Mexico
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 17-May-21 04:55 PM
Nice. Looking promising...
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 04:55 PM
got some early firing SE of LUB and down near midland.
👍 1
Tristan White (Hartselle, AL) 17-May-21 05:05 PM
Looks like a cell firing near Denver City, TX.
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 05:16 PM
Yeah, that cell might get a few to go East and clear up some space for those targeting other storms.
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 05:32 PM
those east cells are a trap. it's on the warm front and way outside of the peak cape/SCP. not sure how long they can stay supercells. but there is good convergence so they might hang on for a while
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 05:33 PM
That’s why I mentioned it. See how many get baited instead of following the mesoscale environment. (edited)
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 05:35 PM
that storm west of big springs is chonky. that's a good start
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 17-May-21 05:35 PM
Too bad Midland's radar decided to pull a KFDR Yao (edited)
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 05:39 PM
yeah i just went to view it and POOF, nada
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 05:43 PM
Tornado watch expanded eastward.
this 1
Don’t want to clutter this up with graphics, but just be aware of that if you are getting out late.
this 1
Vince Waelti (Rockford, IL) 17-May-21 05:44 PM
The hail is no joke w/ the Big Spring storm. I left it once I got golf balls. They aren't the nice sloppy kind that mush when they hit something, they're damn hard lol
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 05:48 PM
seagraves storm has small but solid hail too
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 17-May-21 05:49 PM
Missed these views. Near Big Spring, Texas.
this 2
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 17-May-21 06:28 PM
👍 1
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 17-May-21 06:56 PM
the warm front cells have a coulple of right turners pulling into the inflows. and away from the stable air. watch for tors
the dryline itself is full of splits right now. i'd say find something that's not splitting like the one on teh border and chase it
cell north of morton about to get hit /w a merger, might be the place to be. otherwise the apsermont cells on the WF looking like huge hail
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 07:04 PM
6PM - Bailey & Kent County storms are making hard right turns. Bailey is producing landspout tornadoes near Needmore. Kent storm upgraded to tennis ball size hail & still TOR possible. Stonewall watching! #lubwx #txwx
Lubbock sees the same thing in terms of right movers.
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 17-May-21 07:39 PM
Tornado SW #Channing #phwx #txwx @NWSAmarillo.
Andy Wehrle (Madison, WI) 17-May-21 08:17 PM
Decent look at this beast from SJT, sure be nice if MAF was up tho.
Andy Wehrle (Madison, WI) 17-May-21 08:30 PM
What a beauty. It's actually about midway between KMAF and KSJT and moving straight toward SJT.
T Beam (KCMO) 17-May-21 08:42 PM
Hope those beacons aren't accurate
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 08:57 PM
1 injured
Vince Waelti (Rockford, IL) 17-May-21 09:00 PM
Where at
Peter Potvin (Pembroke, ON) ✱ 17-May-21 09:07 PM
@Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) location?
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 09:11 PM
where my dot is
cops and paramedics here
its kind of bad but nobody really at fault
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 17-May-21 09:20 PM
Jacob Punch (Kansas City) 17-May-21 09:25 PM
Big day today
Caitlin Kelly (Huntsville, AL) 17-May-21 10:54 PM
Well today was a great day for structure and a tornado
Have better ones from the DSLR that’ll be up tonight
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 17-May-21 10:55 PM
Any more word on the accident?
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 11:07 PM
I have one of the parties with me taking them to hotel in Lubbock. Other went by ambulance to the hospital
loves 2
Cop assigned 50/50 fault
I was on that storm Caitlyn, was alright
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 11:42 PM
I managed to get those chasers to a hotel in Lubbock and now I'm on my way home. I honestly forgot names I will figure out who was involved later.
Jacob Prothro (Central Texas) 17-May-21 11:46 PM
Good work Ben
Where was it?
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 17-May-21 11:59 PM
west of wolfforth
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 18-May-21 01:34 AM
What a day. Got to add another tornado to the books! Either my 3rd of 4th of the season. Got a bunch of timelapse of structure to look through when I get done chasing tomorrow too.
East 2
Caitlin Kelly (Huntsville, AL) 18-May-21 02:02 AM
Jacob Prothro (Central Texas) 18-May-21 03:05 AM
Congrats y’all
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 18-May-21 07:48 AM
Caitlin Kelly (Huntsville, AL) 18-May-21 09:50 AM
Were you the one in the white Dodge Charger?
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 18-May-21 09:50 AM
I have a red camry
rave 3
Caitlin Kelly (Huntsville, AL) 18-May-21 09:50 AM
Okay. Someone pulled up next to us that looked a lot like you in one
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 18-May-21 09:51 AM
I did my best to avoid people. Still ended up in the middle of it all it seems like.
Caitlin Kelly (Huntsville, AL) 18-May-21 09:52 AM
Same. I did see some friends on the OU DOW team. Daniel Shaw kept passing us and waving - that was great lol
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 18-May-21 09:53 AM
Yeah I saw the raxpol out there. They were running that thing in a clear air mode way early. They must have collected a ton of data yesterday
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 18-May-21 10:19 AM
Sounds about right. Try to avoid the large area of chasers, still get caught up in the middle of chasers.
Grant Leighty (Kansas City, MO) 18-May-21 10:22 AM
Chaser traffic got pretty rough on the west side of Lubbock, Texas. I heard there was a chaser accident too.
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 18-May-21 10:55 AM
Yeah, that’s what Ben was saying. He ended up going by it, and ended up giving one of them a ride to their hotel in Lubbock (edited)
Grant Leighty (Kansas City, MO) 18-May-21 11:41 AM
That sucks! I hope no one was hurt. I think it was a no fault accident.
Ben Holcomb (Norman, OK) 18-May-21 12:06 PM
50/50 fault, one injury. I think the passenger of one of the vehicles had broken ribs and was having difficulty breathing. What a day. The traffic got nuts. I sat out there with Mike Umschied for probably an hour by Denver City with no real sign of chasers. I think all the andrews/seminole people came to the storm that went into the west side of Lubbock
Chris M. (Houston TX) 18-May-21 07:55 PM
beard (fort worth) 18-May-21 10:39 PM
I tried to avoid chaser traffic like I always do and this time it cost me.
Lucas Munzlinger (Dittmer,MO) 20-May-21 06:01 PM
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 20-May-21 08:10 PM
Posted my Sterling city, Texas tornado video.
I drove 7 hours out to West Texas from Houston on the 17th. Very shortly after arriving in my target area storms began to form and go severe. After a few hours of VERY slow storm motions, allowing me to get some incredible pictures and time-lapses, the storm to my South went tornado warned. However, there was a hail core of another storm that wa...
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 20-May-21 08:17 PM
Nice guys!
Kyle Sikes (Houston, TX) 20-May-21 08:26 PM
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