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EVENT ARCHIVE / 06-20-2021_ia_in_il_mi_mo_oh_wi
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 18-Jun-21 09:27 PM
Now we wait and watch. For them to come.
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 18-Jun-21 09:41 PM
IL prob too
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 18-Jun-21 09:58 PM
Iowa likely as well, by the the time we get to this (edited)
John Choquette (Edmond, OK) 18-Jun-21 10:36 PM
im glad the great lakes region is finally waking the hell up
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Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 18-Jun-21 11:06 PM
Finally some local chases
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 18-Jun-21 11:07 PM
yeah dude, N IL looks decent
so does MI
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 18-Jun-21 11:26 PM
Chase it boys. Could be legit
B. Dean Berry (Pittsburgh PA) ✱ 18-Jun-21 11:26 PM
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 18-Jun-21 11:26 PM
Better odds than yesterday
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 18-Jun-21 11:31 PM
Will likely be the last chance I get for the season
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 18-Jun-21 11:56 PM
both 00Z NAM and 00Z 3km NAM really like N IL east to about ohio
James T. (NW OH) 19-Jun-21 12:02 AM
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 19-Jun-21 01:18 AM
RAP and NAM are going full 🐒 over tomorrow!
Avatar John Choquette (Edmond, OK)
im glad the great lakes region is finally waking the hell up
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 19-Jun-21 01:20 AM
By the looks of it, could be another shortwave impulse in a week or so. Tis the season. Midwest/Great Lakes are so due
Avatar Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN)
By the looks of it, could be another shortwave impulse in a week or so. Tis the season. Midwest/Great Lakes are so due
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 19-Jun-21 02:14 AM
About damn time am I right
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 06:09 AM
I'm holding out hope, but plenty of time for this to fall apart
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 06:45 AM
Same, but it has forced me to cancel a trip I was going to make to southern Oklahoma today. I’ll make a decision by this evening but I’ll probably head north tonight
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 19-Jun-21 09:49 AM
Updated map. Time to add Iowa to this for sure.
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 19-Jun-21 09:49 AM
I literally don't have to move, lol. Doesn't get much better than that.
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 19-Jun-21 09:49 AM
5% tornado probs
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 19-Jun-21 09:50 AM
I am betting 10% sig on the warm front, Moderate day one for hail and wind.
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 09:51 AM
Hrrr just came online. More of the same, so that’s good
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 19-Jun-21 10:52 AM
One concern I would have is that it seems like it goes upscale really quickly. Maybe an hour or 2 after storms form that it goes linear into a wind threat
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 19-Jun-21 11:17 AM
Sunday thoughts. Lead / MCV wave may produce over in Indiana. CAMs verbatim is not a good chase mode, but that could change. I do believe it’ll drop an OFB that stretches back to Iowa. Should be enough southerly push to lift the said OFB toward the synoptic WF. I believe where low level SRH is maximized around boundaries, second wave of thunderstorms (the line) will have some better cells than NWP shows verbatim. I’d give the MCV a chance, but don’t stay too long. Be prepared to adjust to the west target from eastern Iowa into western Illinois.
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 19-Jun-21 01:06 PM
I'll definitely be out for this
Avatar Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL)
I'll definitely be out for this
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 01:13 PM
I’d hope. 😂
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 19-Jun-21 01:19 PM
It's hard to beat a good setup near home thunk
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 19-Jun-21 01:42 PM
Another Iowa tease for me.
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 01:47 PM
Enhanced at 1730 for wind and hail
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 19-Jun-21 02:38 PM
Heading to Illinois
B. Dean Berry (Pittsburgh PA) ✱ 19-Jun-21 03:22 PM
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 19-Jun-21 03:24 PM
IL is due for some wedges
last EF2 or greater tornado in IL was in december 2018
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 03:29 PM
Hm, not sure on target for me. I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow probably, coming back from Destin today
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 03:40 PM
HRRR says maybe play the cells ahead of the main line
12z and 18z have a long track supe through Iowa into illinois (edited)
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 19-Jun-21 04:01 PM
Warm front rider.
Avatar Kyle (Wayzata, MN)
Warm front rider.
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 04:06 PM
Is that where the warm front is positioned? Haven't had much of a chance to really dive in to the forecast
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 19-Jun-21 04:09 PM
I believe so given the theta-e and winds. That's where the HRRR says the warm front will be.
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 04:12 PM
Then I'd totally believe it, I would sell my kidney for a supercell riding the warm front for a couple last hurrah for my year
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 19-Jun-21 04:18 PM
Of course, HRRR wants to lift the warm front north away from that storm. 18z NAM wants to move an MCS through IA and have supers form and grow upscale from that complex in the IA/WI/IL border.
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 04:26 PM
18z NAM sig tor parameters going bonkers on the river
Avatar Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)
Sunday thoughts. Lead / MCV wave may produce over in Indiana. CAMs verbatim is not a good chase mode, but that could change. I do believe it’ll drop an OFB that stretches back to Iowa. Should be enough southerly push to lift the said OFB toward the synoptic WF. I believe where low level SRH is maximized around boundaries, second wave of thunderstorms (the line) will have some better cells than NWP shows verbatim. I’d give the MCV a chance, but don’t stay too long. Be prepared to adjust to the west target from eastern Iowa into western Illinois.
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 19-Jun-21 06:54 PM
Don’t forget to read this yall. That boundary you speak of will probably be the OFB at the time.
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 19-Jun-21 08:53 PM
Rap has the big cold front in Iowa quite slow. Cap breaks over Omaha and points east
Could get firing just after noon along the cold front before upscale
0-3 cape at 21z
Post and pre frontal risks
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 19-Jun-21 09:27 PM
Tempted to go for round 2 in IA.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 19-Jun-21 09:59 PM
We might want to get online tonight and go over this day.
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 19-Jun-21 10:02 PM
I'm about 90 minutes from my hotel and can't wait to get in and go over data.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 19-Jun-21 10:04 PM
@Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) can you be on later ?
@Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) You doing anything?
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 19-Jun-21 10:13 PM
I’m at work tonight. Probably not. If I get off early, maybe.
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 10:18 PM
Not much upper level support tomorrow
Yao 2
Avatar Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)
@Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) You doing anything?
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 19-Jun-21 10:18 PM
Busy still 10 central
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 19-Jun-21 10:21 PM
I cannot chase tomorrow. It is fathers day and then I have work tomorrow night.
Avatar Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL)
I cannot chase tomorrow. It is fathers day and then I have work tomorrow night.
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 19-Jun-21 10:25 PM
I’m gonna chase, for my dad. It’s the first Father’s Day without him since he passed away so I’m going in honor of him.
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 10:25 PM
A lot of PDS tor soundings, but very little upper level. Father's day has me thinking about not going too...
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Avatar Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU)
I’m gonna chase, for my dad. It’s the first Father’s Day without him since he passed away so I’m going in honor of him.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 19-Jun-21 10:27 PM
I understand that. GL to you sir.
Avatar Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)
I understand that. GL to you sir.
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 19-Jun-21 10:27 PM
Would be a dream come true if I see a tornado for him. Hope for the best.
👍 5
Avatar Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU)
I’m gonna chase, for my dad. It’s the first Father’s Day without him since he passed away so I’m going in honor of him.
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 19-Jun-21 10:27 PM
Oh that is a good reason to chase. I hope you get something good tomorrow?
Avatar Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL)
Oh that is a good reason to chase. I hope you get something good tomorrow?
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 19-Jun-21 10:28 PM
Hell yeah thanks! My target is likely NW IL or W IL along I-80
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 19-Jun-21 10:34 PM
I’m staying tonight in Hannibal with the option to play IL or IA. I’ve been on the road and haven’t been able to look at models
Avatar Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC)
I understand that. GL to you sir.
Royce Sheibal (Papillion,NE) 19-Jun-21 11:16 PM
anyone want to chat on tomorrow?
👍 2
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 19-Jun-21 11:16 PM
I would like to. I have company. See if I can get away for a bit?
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 19-Jun-21 11:17 PM
Michigan would be great if that leading complex set up an MCV, and popped the isolated storms the HRRR Has. NAM not liking that as much Still have the same concerns as I had earlier. As soon as the storms go, they go upscale quickly on that cold front. Hard to see discrete storms longer than an hour or 2 (edited)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 19-Jun-21 11:18 PM
lol hasn't that been our thing all year.
Avatar Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK)
Michigan would be great if that leading complex set up an MCV, and popped the isolated storms the HRRR Has. NAM not liking that as much Still have the same concerns as I had earlier. As soon as the storms go, they go upscale quickly on that cold front. Hard to see discrete storms longer than an hour or 2 (edited)
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 19-Jun-21 11:24 PM
0Z hrrr still likes prefrontal cell
But early, at like 18z
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 12:37 AM
I like that first wave showing up on RAP and NAM
21z lake michigan shoreline
either gonna be a 'breathtaking shelfcloud' or hopefully sups
Avatar Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO)
Then I'd totally believe it, I would sell my kidney for a supercell riding the warm front for a couple last hurrah for my year
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 12:38 AM
Come and hang with me Josh. You are good luck for me
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 20-Jun-21 12:39 AM
I'm thinkin about it...depending on initiation time would have to take off at 8 or 9...
I'm really tired lol, for it being vacation, this last week and the drive back were draining
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 12:40 AM
I have to run some people to the airport at 11. So I will be free after 12:00, coming west from Chicago O'Hare
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 12:55 AM
Well, we will see what the models hold for tomorrow. Its kind of a question, which mode will dominate. The Lead MCS, or will that remain weak and allow for discrete initiation along the warm front in IL, followed by a raging cold front qlcs. Could be a long day for N IL. Could conceivably see both modes working, if the moisture return is strong enough.
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 01:02 AM
moisture return? Homie the moisture is here. It's 72 degree dewpoint out in champaign. The 00Z ILX sounding shows good moisture.
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 20-Jun-21 01:15 AM
If they were to go 10%, this is where I predict it would be. Thoughts guys?
🍉 2
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 20-Jun-21 01:29 AM
I guess. I don't think they'll go 10% in the day 1 at least initially because of uncertainties.
Diego Garcia (DeKalb, IL - NIU) 20-Jun-21 01:41 AM
True, which they didnt
B. Dean Berry (Pittsburgh PA) ✱ 20-Jun-21 02:06 AM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 20-Jun-21 02:09 AM
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 09:46 AM
Latest HRRR run is total garbage
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 20-Jun-21 09:50 AM
Yeah I’m not liking this one bit. SPC is clueless too
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 09:50 AM
No more prefrontal initiation. Also the lead MCS is no more. Just cold front now. NAM 3k is more hopeful. Neither model is showing the strong crisp warm front anymore.
Still plenty of helicity, 3CAPE is a problem in NW IL, Cloud cover is a problem until the clear slot pushes in at 6
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 10:03 AM
NAM 3k remains optimistic. Whom do we trust? Or do we just go with our gut, find the boundary, and hope?
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 10:21 AM
I'm going with my gut
but my gut is a big one and it guides me
Right now it's saying hey get the fuck off your ass and go to caseys and get breakfast pizza
🤦‍♂️ 2
Lead wave/MCV is what to chase. I'm going to go sit prob near Chesterton
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 10:32 AM
Interesting. My gut is telling me to target W IA, play the prefrontal semi discrete/broken line. Thats where the 3CAPE is, thats where the shear is. But its easy enough to adjust back into IL. Latest HRRR run has brought back the prefrontal action, but it also reinvigorated the midday central IL tail end charlie play
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 10:32 AM
Well if your gut is telling you to go to Iowa you obviously haven't busted enough there
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Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 10:34 AM
I have seen a few IL setups bust day of into IA, so I am hedging my bets. (Thank you 03/28/2020) (edited)
I do like that there are multiple potential targets today. Spread the chasers out. I feel like half of us will bust hard, the other half will get a good to great chase. But who knows. Maybe there is enough energy that both targets work out. We can always hope right?
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 10:54 AM
One thing I notice for Indiana is warming mid-level temps around 00Z, not so good. I think I still like Illinois better. Follow the outflow from midday rain, hopefully back north into the quality shear parameters. Could also be eastern Iowa. I’m not at all sold on northern Missouri, though the terrain is doable north of I-70. Meanwhile as I look at all this I realize I should have chased South Carolina today. Too late to catch up now. Sigh. (edited)
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 01:26 PM
ILX is launching a 19z balloon yoday
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 02:31 PM
What are you thinking Ben?
I am currently sitting in Geneva IL, going to take my dad chasing today. Gotta figure out if I need to drop everything and blast to IA, or if we can wait till Panda Express gets here in 20 minutes
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 02:46 PM
I think I will head to Waterloo IA, be there a bit after 22z. Hopefully we don't make it that far and get something prefrontal in E IA tracking into IL.
Avatar Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)
One thing I notice for Indiana is warming mid-level temps around 00Z, not so good. I think I still like Illinois better. Follow the outflow from midday rain, hopefully back north into the quality shear parameters. Could also be eastern Iowa. I’m not at all sold on northern Missouri, though the terrain is doable north of I-70. Meanwhile as I look at all this I realize I should have chased South Carolina today. Too late to catch up now. Sigh. (edited)
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 20-Jun-21 07:32 PM
We had one warning and I know nothing came from it as of yet.
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 08:08 PM
Sadly I bailed on cold front, chasing ghosts with the MCV in IL.
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 20-Jun-21 08:15 PM
Nobody needs to kick themselves today. It was a huge area with a lot of uncertainties about the setup. Huge congrats to those who got something but I opted to grill with pops.
this 2
Drake Anthony (Peoria, IL) 20-Jun-21 08:18 PM
Us IL folk may get a good opportunity for some nighttime QLCS tornadoes later anyway Yao
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 20-Jun-21 08:18 PM
Yeah, if I had opted to chase I probably would've been in position for this tor, but I don't regret it that much. Was tired from the drive yesterday, and got to spend the day taking it easy with my dad and grandpa. (edited)
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 20-Jun-21 08:23 PM
I am sitting in E of Peru IL, trying to decide if I should drop west an hour and head off the cells in IA, or just call it quits. Got about a 3 hour drive home from here, otherwise I would have a 4 hour drive, plus I lose an hour.
We are going to shoot north and head off the prefrontal little cells near rockford IL, then head home for the day
Avatar Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO)
Yeah, if I had opted to chase I probably would've been in position for this tor, but I don't regret it that much. Was tired from the drive yesterday, and got to spend the day taking it easy with my dad and grandpa. (edited)
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 20-Jun-21 08:34 PM
Update, I'm a little mad lol
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 20-Jun-21 08:38 PM
Yeah there were several reports but it seemed like it was a really brief cone from the reports, not Greensburg. “Large and extremely dangerous” seems to be the generic language they use nowadays (edited)
Vince Waelti (Monroe, WI) 20-Jun-21 08:42 PM
I will attest that it was a nice big, wide cone for about a minute, then that was about it. I called NWS and advised was not an extremely dangerous situation any more.
this 1
Local ham skywarn net was not as organized as i had hoped. It took 1-2 minutes for me to break in and get my report across. Couldn't get a phone call thru initially but a quick google search gave me a local repeater frequency
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 08:45 PM
Thank you @Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) yeah I guess I’m glad I did not chase today. Iowa is way out of my range not on chasecation.
Avatar Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN)
Thank you @Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) yeah I guess I’m glad I did not chase today. Iowa is way out of my range not on chasecation.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 20-Jun-21 08:46 PM
Happy Dad's day from Dad to another also.
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 08:47 PM
Thank you Glen. Happy Father’s Day to you and all the dads checking in today. The other reason chasing would have been PDS, haha.
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 20-Jun-21 08:48 PM
true dat
Willard (Madrid, IA) 20-Jun-21 08:54 PM
I was on that tornado warning storm near Pella and it did produce a tornado. I was in the trees and unfortunately didn’t see it but others I ran across while chasing said it was on the ground for about 30 seconds. A tornado but not terribly photogenic.
Avatar Nathan M (Neosho, Mo)
Yeah there were several reports but it seemed like it was a really brief cone from the reports, not Greensburg. “Large and extremely dangerous” seems to be the generic language they use nowadays (edited)
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 20-Jun-21 08:56 PM
I'm actually getting concerned they're overusing PDS warnings a bit, but I can understand them not wanting to underestimate a large tornado when they get a report of one. (edited)
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Still, tornado size doesn't perfectly correlate to tornado intensity.
Vince Waelti (Monroe, WI) 20-Jun-21 09:00 PM
Exactly. Should reserve PDS for actual PDS
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Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 20-Jun-21 09:01 PM
An EF-1 going into a residential area seems PDS to me
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Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 20-Jun-21 09:01 PM
A tornado in general is a dangerous situation
Vince Waelti (Monroe, WI) 20-Jun-21 09:02 PM
Yes, but they left the PDS warning in place for quite awhile after it had lifted and was visually not impressive. I wonder if a report was called in that stated it was large and worse than it was. It seemed they issued the PDS after the tor had actually lifted
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Pat Kepka (Russell Co. KS) 20-Jun-21 09:05 PM
They issued it a couple minutes before it lifted I believe
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 09:05 PM
Maybe save it for dual polarization radar agreement. The really bad tornadoes are obvious on dual pole. (edited)
Vince Waelti (Monroe, WI) 20-Jun-21 09:06 PM
It's entirely possible someone called in a lame report saying it was a huge wedge or something too. Who knows.
Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 09:07 PM
Looked like it could get bad. A warning statement (update) could clarify it’s lifted, but that could send the wrong message too. Once the cat’s out of the bag…
Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 20-Jun-21 09:07 PM
I wonder how easy or hard it is for the NWS to update a TOR to PDS or vice versa if it's only been recently issued?
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That might be why they have to go with a PDS tag based on size reports.
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Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 09:08 PM
I think they are different tags/codes. Yeah probably leave it but can still update progress with a Warning Statement.
Nathan M (Neosho, Mo) 20-Jun-21 09:08 PM
I tell people that even relatively small tornadoes are on a scale most people would call large. I just think from the perspective of the average public “large and extremely dangerous” conjures up images of Joplin or Moore, and often aren’t representative of the actual situation even if it is a threat. (edited)
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Kyle (Wayzata, MN) 20-Jun-21 09:09 PM
That's why I'm worried about PDS and "large and extremely dangerous" being overused.
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Jeff House (Chattanooga, TN) 20-Jun-21 09:09 PM
I do like the PDS TE program. Just use it judiciously. Overall I think they do. Pellum is just one of those that looked like it could get crazy, but lifted.
pds 1
I have not seen much dual pole imagery. At the time I was out. I think visual combined with nasty dual pole might be prudent. Not sure this case b/c I have not seen the radar in detail. What I’ve seen online had the signature, but not lofting debris to 10K feet signature. (edited)
TJ (Houston/Galveston TX) 20-Jun-21 09:45 PM
Yeah, unless it's a PDS... I'm still sitting out there with my beer and lawn chair
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 09:53 PM
Wasn't expecting that Indiana stuff to go up all at once or so far east so I essentially blue sky busted.
Avatar Ben Holcomb (Norman OK)
Wasn't expecting that Indiana stuff to go up all at once or so far east so I essentially blue sky busted.
Matthew Gaylor (OKC, OK) 20-Jun-21 09:55 PM
But you got to go to Michigan, right?
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 10:14 PM
Nah I never left IL
Avatar Ben Holcomb (Norman OK)
Wasn't expecting that Indiana stuff to go up all at once or so far east so I essentially blue sky busted.
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 20-Jun-21 10:19 PM
Oh I’m sorry about that.
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 20-Jun-21 10:47 PM
Nah it's all good part of the game.
Especially when you chase a secondary target
Cody D. (Lincoln, NE - UNL) 20-Jun-21 11:29 PM
Yeah thats true.
I got by first blue sky bust last week so I know. We kind of expected that one though so it didn’t really sting too bad, plus we went through a few historical tornado sites so that was cool.
Avatar Ben Holcomb (Norman OK)
Nah it's all good part of the game.
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 21-Jun-21 12:14 AM
Chase enough, you'll get blue sky busts
On the other side, chase enough and you'll get career defining days
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 21-Jun-21 12:23 AM
What are those?
Josh Zitko(St Louis, MO) 21-Jun-21 12:24 AM
Lol, depends who you ask
Ben Holcomb (Norman OK) 21-Jun-21 01:34 AM
Hopefully I can get one someday
Jacob Melton (Owosso, MI) 21-Jun-21 02:37 PM
Glen Heinz (Greenville, SC) 21-Jun-21 02:53 PM
well that was spot on.
Jim Martin (Findlay, Ohio) 21-Jun-21 03:51 PM
I went to bed right before it all went down
Avatar Ben Holcomb (Norman OK)
Nah I never left IL
Joey Prom (Lafayette, IN) 21-Jun-21 11:02 PM
We drove to Davenport, got there by 530pm, then turned around and drove back into IL. We were also in the Chicago metro when those tornados came through, but on the S side. Some days you just make all the wrong targeting decisions.
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